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Posts posted by tomireland

  1. A friend and I both have Lookma removable sliders on a KA120. The slider size comes up a little larger than what came with the canopy even though i gave the same dims. Both only jumping the slider and not full RDS.

    Installation - around 60 seconds once you get use to it/its worn in a little/you get the technique. I do it on the landing area and its all done before the load has all landed. The 'lines' that go through the locking 'cords' are stiff to begin and can make it a little slower.

    Openings - They have actually made them better. Both terminal and h&p. With the original slider it 'searched' and then picked a direction to go, not always on heading. With the Lookma slider the slider takes slightly longer to come down, sometimes sticks a little half way, but it seems to have reduced the searching and stopped the 'whip' to its chosen direction. Now its more of a gentle change of direction.

    Easy to remove, i have the single handle in the middle. I give it a yank in each direction and its off.

    Customer service and delivery was great. Inside two weeks from order to delivery.

    I haven't checked this but was told that the slider size is the same for KA107/VE103 etc so you should be able to keep it for those.


  2. I emailed PD asking about this last week. They said that they are working on a couple of projects that were inspired by the development of the Valk and that they fall into different categories, but at that time they were unable to tell me where in the line they would fit in and when they would be released. They said it could be a matter of months or years.

    So sounds like possibly more than one new canopy that has been born from designing and jumping the Valk but no confirmed dates on when any of these will be released.

  3. Thanks for the reply.

    Was purely out of interest.

    Glad everyone was safe. i think i would prefer to either be the person signalling the first wave so i am away from everyone else opening or in the first wave so i can max the track.

    Were any restrictions put on w/l, canopy type etc? With a large number of canopies did they specify no highly loaded ellipticals to minimise the risk of off headings/canopy collisions or do they rely on you not to be idiots? and lets be honest there is always some.

    What height were the break offs and deployment altitudes for each wave?


  4. Firstly Congrats to everyone envolved.

    This was on the home page of the BBC.

    Couple questions regarding the break off.

    Was each stage signalled by someone deploying?

    What happens if one has a mal? There gonne be pretty much bang above someone just deploying (the first two were pretty close so not a lot of vertical seperation)

    I dont really do RW and i dont do Bigways so just curious.


  5. Speedwings are awesome!

    The characteristics vary as with any type of wing, but then with most wings you can change the trim, changing the AoA. Rear trims can help you soar like a paraglider and either no or front trims can keep you close to the ground. Doing changes the recovery arcs as well, check some vids of the Swing Mirrage and you can see that they can be swooped similar to HP skydiving canopies using 270 or 450's. I would not say that they are like any student or beginner canopies. More towards to sabre2-katana type responsiveness but as ever, depends what the pilot does with it.

  6. haha this thread is hilarious!

    Get a cheap speedwing, there fucking awesome, stop dicking around with shit that isn't meant to be used for it. It your desperate for a parachute to groundlaunch save up and get a GLX after learning on other things.

    Many people says its more dangerous than BASE so watch your arse.

  7. Ive done it a few times. I mainly do FF jumps. I havent done a RW jump in ages.

    For me it depends on the levels of hte other jumpers. If i can see everyone then there is no need to go on my back. If im jumping with someone who is a lot lighter and corks up out the group then i do like to know where they are on break off. In this circumstance its pic a radial thats clear. Get a little speed roll on back try to spot lighter person. roll on belly and carry on tracking while watching between legs and checking either side.

    The back track is early enough in the brake off that noone should be pulling then. Im also in a black and green jumpsuit and rig. Someone tracking above me may not see me where as it may be easier for me to see them against a blue sky back drop and can try to help by adjsuting my radial a little.

  8. Had a search and this seemed the most relevant thread

    Ive just ordered my v308. My main is going to be a sabre 2 135. I was happy with a PD126R but if i can go bigger i will. Have people got a 135 with the OP143 or speed 135? If so how was it to pack?

    I did notice someone had gone for the pulse 150 and a op143. I take it thats because the pulse is a hybrid and has the pack volume of a 135?


  9. Im there most weekends.

    90% i love the DZ, Ive been jumping there for around 2 years now as it is now my closest DZ since moving back from bristol.

    Its not a big DZ and we can get holds from London. It can be difficult to get coaches to learn new disciplines. But when it is good its really good. We had 3 new FF1's in one weekend and two new WS1's the following. Some VERY experienced instructors and coaches (Chris Lynch amongst them.)

    If you do decide to come down come say hello. Normally in a black and green jumpsuit
