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Posts posted by OglalaDiver

  1. I bought a pair of swoop shorts and recently, an RW suit from EG. The build quality is great. However, both pieces were custom ordered and ended up NOT being what I ordered. I liked them well enough that I didnt send them back, but......
    Like others have said, communication is NOT a strong point with him. Waited and waited past the date that he said my suit would be done. After several e-mails, I finally demanded my money back so that I could order from another company. Magically, the suit arrived two days later.
    Nice products, but understand that you may not get exactly what you ordered and communication is almost non-existent.
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!

  2. Took the PD Flight-1 canopy course (level 101) weekend before last at The Farm. Great course, great instructor (Ian Drennan of PDFT). Definitely looking forward to level 102 and more.
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!

  3. Have you all been sitting in when I'm training new police officers?? I've been preaching a lot of this same exact stuff to new officers and veteran officers who have become complacent for years. And as a new again (took a 20 year break) jumper, this is stuff that I think about and mentally Go over frequently. But not just with skydiving, but diving, racing, etc. We do all of this stuff (jumping, diving, etc) for fun, but you have GOT to think about all of this thoroughly. It's fun, yes. But you can, and people have, died from it. Just when you think it can't or won't happen, it will. When the merdes hits the oscillator, be ready to act NOW and Correctly.
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!

  4. Quote

    You'll be happy with the Farm, I assure you.

    We get people from all over the world coming here for training. You'll be made to feel right at home. We do have a good reputation for being a friendly DZ.

    Don't let the pricing fool you though. You will get top-notch training here. Our classes are intentionally small so that you will get a lot of individual attention.

    The equipment you will be jumping is good stuff and it is maintained by Chutingstar Rigging; C-star is one of the premier rigging lofts in the world.

    We are more about the fun than the money...and that's important to both you and us.

    Let us know when you are coming and we'll leave the light on for ya'.

    +1000 to what Andy said...The Farm is awesome!! And Andy himself, is a fantastic wealth of knowledge!!
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!

  5. Well, Im pretty new (again) and since my canopy flies and handles like a school bus, Im able to let everyone else get below me and land usually before I even start my pattern. While Im flying, I keep my head on a swivel and look at it the same way I do while Im riding a motorcycle in heavy traffic......they either dont see me or they're trying to kill me....stay out of their way, make sure they see me and proceed as safely as I can.
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!

  6. As a former skydiver, turned roadracer, back to skydiving....Id have to say motorcycle roadracing and give a serious nod to Isle of Man TT. Most folks have no idea the amount of testicular fortitude needed to run that fast on those roads with those obstacles. In-fucking-credible. Yeah, Valentino Rossi is The Man....but even he bows down to guys like Giacomo Agostini, Joey Dunlop and John McGuinness
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!

  7. Finished AFF last weekend and now its time to start working towards my A license. In the package I purchased from the drop zone, I get 4 coach jumps on my way towards 25 jumps. Did one solo last weekend. My question is, what should I be working on in the meantime and on those jumps that I get a coach?
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!

  8. So, did I learn correctly that DaKine Ragz is no longer making jumpsuits?? Hoping someone can give me a definite answer. If they are no longer in biz, that sucks, because getting back into jumping and being a nut about all things Hawaiian, their suits fit me to a T LOL
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!

  9. Yeah, have considered a BevSuit...especially the polycotton suit, but cant find any pics on what it looks like.
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!

  10. Read a couple of the reviews posted, but they are a few years old and didnt turn up much on searching for them. My question is, does anyone have any experience or knowledge about GoCrazy jumpsuits? They have a suit that I like and am thinking about, but dont know much about them or their quality.
    Had a TonySuit years ago that I loved, but looking at other manufacturers now that Im getting back into the sport and now that Im not a skinny 180lb guy any more LOL Im 6'5" and go about 245lbs now, so I'll be needing to slow myself down a bit.
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!

  11. Hartwood Paracenter....its about an hour south of the District. Thats where I started 22 years ago. (Now Im starting all over at The Farm).
    Orange isnt a bad drive, but Chambersburg is a bit of a drive from D.C.
    PHinz up!!! We are the people our parents warned us about!!