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Dropzone Reviews posted by Drea

  1. I did a tandem jump here while visiting my in-laws in late February. I was able to call the day before and book a jump. It's a beautiful area, although the DZ is small and doesn't have the amenities of a larger DZ. However, we got there a little before 9 a.m., and we were done by 10:30 a.m., so we didn't have to wait around too long.

    The tandem instructors were extremely friendly. It was my second tandem jump (my first was at another DZ), and the instructor treated this as a training jump--teaching me how to make turns during freefall, allowing me to be the one to wave off and pull, teaching me to steer the canopy, etc. They helped convince me that I should get my license, and since returning to my home DZ, I only have a couple of jumps left to get my "A" license.