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Dropzone Reviews posted by Asheats67

  1. Did my first tandem jump here a year ago and had a great time. Came back as an A licensed jumper this past weekend. I had been to a few other dropzones, and expected I'd have a hard time getting advice and being able to talk to people. Not at all.

    The other fun jumpers introduced themselves to me and asked me to jump with them. They were also extremely helpful in teaching me to pack unfamiliar rigs (as a student, I never had to "cock" a pilot chute or anything of that sort). The staff was also helpful about helping me pick out a rental rig and introducing me to the DZ procedures.

    Manifest was also extremely efficient when it came to getting everyone up in the air. There was no waiting around like I had been at other dropzones, and it seemed there was plenty of room for everyone who wanted to jump.

    Great dropzone, staff, community of jumpers, and great location for those of us in the Raleigh area! I highly recommend this place!