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Posts posted by kilranian

  1. We have sent a "FUN" flag around the country. The intent of the flag is for it to travel from dropzone to dropzone, have people sign it on its journey, and then send it on to its next destination. We tracked the flag from Texas, to Florida, and to Washington. Since then, we have lost track of the flag.

    Have you seen the "FUN" flag? If so, any memorable stories to go with it?

    The attached photo is said flag.

  2. It wouldn't. He has it backwards. On your back, the AAD is getting "clean" air and a good reading. On your belly, the AAD is getting "dirty" air. As such, if the AAD is intended to fire at ~800 feet, it will fire when the unit reads ~900 ft, in case you are falling on your belly.

    This is my understanding of the Cypres and Vigil AAD parameters.

  3. I've been jumping Sorz goggles for the longest time. Now that I'm getting more into freeflying, I've noticed they have a tendency to flip up, catch air, and slide down my face when angle flying or head down.

    I've heard lots of folks reference Gatorz, but the price seems a bit much. Anyone have other suggestions?

  4. Has anyone ever made a suit jump? Not wearing a jumpsuit, but a business/3-piece suit.

    Did you have issues with buttons coming undone and the jacket flapping around?

    Did you wear a tie? If so, how did you secure it? Route it under the chest strap?

    Do tell!

  5. jumpsforfun: The problem with using a lighter is that the top half of the strap is fabric.

    sundevil: The strap comes across and the velcro mates. However, there is about 3-4" of excess strap that would just be flapping in the breeze.

    skinnay: I bought an elastic wrist mount. It ended up being too tight, and the next size up would likely be too large. I think I'm going to try out the velcro wrist mount, as well.

  6. I recently purchased a Viso 2. The included wrist strap doesn't quite fit me, because I am scrawny. There was a rubber band included on the strap that looks as if it is meant to stow excess line, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.

    I was thinking about cutting the end of the velcro strap and using some fabric glue to keep it from fraying, but I wanted to check with the experts first.

    I included two pictures. The first shows the band I mentioned.

    Any suggestions or revelations would be appreciated. I look forward to being made to look silly!

  7. Good evening, DZ S&T folks,

    I'm a recent convert to the sport, and I'm looking for advice on building muscle to protect my joints. A little backstory: I'm a 5'7" 145 lb computer technician with almost no fitness knowledge. I'm looking to build up some muscle mass, mostly focusing on strengthening my legs, knees, ankles, and other important landing apparatuses.

    I figured there might be some folks out here with suggestions on where to start.

    Any suggestions?

  8. That's me, actually. I have naturally high anxiety, am afraid of heights, and dislike roller coasters. If you would have told me two years ago that I would not only have made one skydive, but that I would get sucked into the sport, I would have laughed.

    Now-a-days, I'm just itching to get to altitude.

  9. Good evening, All.

    As my first (hopefully) productive post to the DZ forums, I would like to propose a topic for discussion, as well as air my purely selfish motivation.

    First, back-story: I started jumping in September, and just submitted for my A license. I bought my own gear through DZ and other used/new, including a ProTrack audible. The ProTrack makes for an amazing freefall computer, but I believe I have a unique "problem" in the skydiving world.

    I have nearly always worn earplugs when appropriate, and I still have most of my hearing. The ProTrack is designed for a legally deaf war vet. Of course this is basically a good thing for an audible, and I have it set on Low volume and have since day one. I've even tried putting it in backwards in my helmet (merely uncomfortable). After five jumps with it, I can already notice my hearing getting worse on one side, especially higher-pitches.

    What can be done?

    One idea would be a visual altimeter, such as the Optima 1 or 2 with the LED port. Before I go blowing the money on some blinky lights, though, I'd like to tap the tree of the tree/hivemind on DZ.

    What do you all think?


    My ProTrack is too loud, even on Low. I'm a wuss and want to keep my hearing. What can be done?

    Edit: And if this is more appropriate in the gear forums, please move. I thought it would make for an interesting safety topic.