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Posts posted by Kira57

  1. Well, I went to ground school last, my next step is AFF/STP 1. However, I feel like I bombed that class last night and now questioning whether I am ready or not :| Not sure if it was ADD, stage fright or what, but I just could not get the emergency maneuvers down! Is this common? I know how important taking in all that info was and am frustrated with, I have been stuck in my manual all night!

  2. New to this site and to skydiving, so wanted to introduce myself. I did a tandem two weekends ago and became hooked instantly! I start STP ground school next week, with STP 1 the following day (hopefully)! I am extremely nervous to jump solo, but hope with the training I get from the ground school, that will eliminate some of the nerves!

    Glad I found this forum for my new passion; there is a wealth of knowledge here...thanks to all of you!