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Posts posted by kkissinger

  1. With the wind restrictions for students, one may be hard-pressed to realize any economy from owning one's own gear. In my case, many weekends have come and gone and all it takes is a single gust > 14 every 30 minutes to keep students on the ground. This is why I have three jumps instead of an A license at the moment. :(

    Thus, renting is cheaper for me then owning.

    Besides, the DZ where I jump requires students to rent their gear and licensed jumpers to supply their own.

  2. My second jump was from the 182. Since I received an excellent briefing and practiced on the ground, I was able to anticipate the wind and the importance of good foot placement on the step.

    As I climbed out I was imagining how it would be to be a wing-walker.

    Hanging on the strut was fun -- kind of relaxing -- I could have flown around like that for a while.

    The jump was easy because I was already in position -- just let go of the strut, stay arched, and start the count.