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Posts posted by goldengolly

  1. Sorry guys - should have provided more detail!

    I'm based in the UK. I'm not concerned where the suit comes from. I chose Matter with an eye to a team look, as the other members have their suits from Matter, however Matter have let me down so I'm looking elsewhere.

    I know the characteristics the suit should have and all other details. I was hoping that more experienced individuals than myself would know the manufactures to approach as well as the ones to avoid!

    Thanks to everyone who has responded so far...
    It seems that Liquid Sky is a name that keeps popping up. Any positive or negative comments on these guys?


  2. Hello all. After many frustrating months of waiting for Matter Clothing to deliver the freefly suit I ordered, I have finally run out of patience.

    Can anyone reccommend a jump suit manufacturer that a) produces a quality product and b) has even the vaguest idea of delivery dates and customer service?

    Thank you.