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Posts posted by Marksman

  1. Dude, stick to an analog one, Period.

    I use an altimaster on my left hand which is my principal and constant reference, and to backup i use 2 different audibles made by different manufacturers, a neptune on my left ear and a protrack on the right ear.

    I work with computers, i know how they fail, hence the level redundancy above. But i ALWAYS look at my analog one first and mostly, beeps are there just confirm the analog readings and make me feel confortable.


  2. Close call on this video.

    humm...Owner comments about bad spotting, what do you guys think?? :o

    I'm glad nobody got hurt, I also think is great he decided to post the video to help others avoid mistakes.

    (i hope this is not a repost)

  3. Hi there. Not saying the helmet solves the hazard. What I pointed is a security procedure/practice, that its as important as approaching any aircraft AWAY from the propeller(s). I trutly believe that hitting aviation grade aluminium with thy head really hurts (a helmet solves this issue).


  4. just terrible. :(

    I was taught to always have my helmet on and secured before approaching the aircraft, which btw should always be accomplished thru the back of the plane. But you know what, I constantly see experienced skydivers moving about near the plane and not wearing helmets until just about to be airborne.

    I mean why does people with more experience are the ones that bend the rules more explicitly? cmon please set the example.

    Anyways, for me an airplane (or chopper) propeller equals to a blending kitchen appliance. you just have to fear any abnormal proximity.

  5. B|
    Guys, thanks for all the responses! Indeed a very high level discussion going on, with lot of experience being brought to the table, please do continue.

    Call it coincidence but after I started this thread, this happened... last week week my cousin joined me to the DZ, It was his first tandem. I exited first and they (tandem) followed, I got to watch their deployment and witness the spinning mal/tension knots situation that was promptly addressed by the tandem pilot's EP actions, the main was released and I saw first hand the skyhook performing its job pretty well, they landed correctly in safety.

    :o Ufff, I took a breath again... Moments later I met them in the ground, my cousing was with a ear-to-ear smile, saying he wanted to do it again, at the beginning he did not even realized a disconnection had happened until the tandem pilot told him. After seeing the video, he still wants to go again. :S:D:D

    I mean, clearly this kind of technology is here to help improve safety (doesnt matter the manufacturer's name or how many variations of the working principle might exist)...

    The debate about adoption rate vs mindset/change resistance vs effectivity vs adaptability, is very valid but it's of great importance to address the fact that humans have a tendency to settle and use the least effort route...

    Would we still be listening to casette tapes instead of ipod's if the sound quality was just okay and didnt need improvement or having less bulky players??

    would we still think that airbags are a bad technology after the reports of world scattered events of kids/babies getting hurt? what about the saved people? the technology got adjusted, new sensors, new requirements, etc..

    Maybe the fact is that canopies are working pretty well, containers too, AAD's are here to assist, people are still kind of screwed up ;) but we manage right? Bad decisions are now the main cause of incidents in this sport....have we already gone too deep into the confort zone?

    So regarding decisions, when have skydivers decided that the development of technical advances in skydiving equipment has reached a plateau in the name of simplification?... what about the potential of criteriously adding more active safety?
    The skydiving equipment industry is very sensitive to reputation, customer feedback and word spreading, is this something that collaborates with the plateau effect?


  6. Hi there,

    I've read and listen to several skydivers comment (on and off the forum) that they do not use skyhook....but i see the majority of this same persons using a steven's connected....
    Can anyone please comment on why wouldnt you consider using a technology like skyhook that has some obvious benefits?

    Please mind that i am not making any kind of decisions based on your answers, i just want to observe what would be the prevalent opinion in the forum. btw, i prefer to use skyhook.

    Thx and blue skies! ;)

  7. I've been there also beggining of this year, did 15 mins and received good coaching from chris and snyder. Staff was very helpful and professional!

    I will go back again, great overall experience, prices were ok.


  8. totally agree. With the correct motivation for advancing and the head in the right place one can seize the best both side of performance levels can offer. At the end seems to be a matter of reaching and maintaining conscient levels of optimization and don't letting one's ego take precedence over reason.

    thanks for your comments.


  9. champu, my take is not about my experience or even yours which of course I acknowlegde is far greater than mine on skydiving. btw, I agree on your point on negotiation and justification thats based on personal experience, but....

    I'm trying to position regarding each one's confidence and real confort level on the equipment being used when the time to make fast, spot on decisions come.

    If this wasnt the case, we would have no worries about the timing to initiate a swooping manouver, people not respecting basic landing patterns, books like germain's that seek to bring sense in even very experienced skydivers, or even better we wouldnt have those nice videos we see from time to time on youtube where some skygod is doing something absurdly dangerous thats seem as a close call.

    You see, people tend to get cocky and push the envelope when they enter the confort zone of any activity, and its always because they got more experient and use an equipment thats more sensitive to input, motorcycling is a good example, you cannot stop people from buying a 190hp lightweight supersport bike, it does not matter how much advice you throw at some point they think they can handle it well, until proved the contrary.

    The ammount of attention you need to pour in and the need to re-establish new parameters is real, even for professionals and that is the aspect of high WLs that I see is more dangerous for each person (being mesuared by their own experience of course) and thats being discussed.


  10. Quote


    I think you missed his point. Pretty sure the OP was saying that for any given mistake, a lower wing loading typically results in less severe consequences.

    And that is just stating the obvious..

    Kinda like a car has 4 wheels.. Pretty pointless, unless you have the IQ of a monkey.. ;)

    I don't think is obvious. You see people in this sport are constantly finding themselves out of obvious situations. Sudden strong wind, double mal, canopy collision, canopy collapsing, dust devil, to low for canopy to recover, etc.... ALL situations where the people who were the protagonists 2 seconds before thought they were in an obviously normal situation until the mentioned type of problem manifested itself and lead to an injury or fatality.

    You see, I agree with you that it doesnt matter because the activity itself brings to the table an amount of risk thats implicit, using a smaller or larger canopy. Its part of the decision to be a skydiver to deal with those risks. BUT:

    the smaller the canopy, the higher the speed so.... the smaller amount of time or window of opportunity to correct any mistake even if caused by factors not under your direct control.

    but with a larger thus slower canopy, you endup having have more time, it buys you ALTITUDE, with more altitude you have far greater chance of being able to make decisions to save your butt.

    People should think about the choices they make about participating in skydiving way before thinking about WL. They should not fool themselves,

    I think that the necessity to compensate when using a higher loaded canopy with sharper, faster, more precise and often with room for a single definitive action during a problem does not come close to justify the benefits high WL brings.

    my two cents.

    take great care all. blues.

  11. Quote

    Hello jumpers. New gal here, trying to learn the seemingly whacko traditions involved in skydiving. You have graciously explained to me the hand jive stuff everyone does before exit. So next I'm curious about why everyone keeps asking me to buy cases of beer - what's with that?

    I'll gladly post my comment after you fedex me a case of sam adams to Brazil!!! c'mon get with the program! ;)

    btw, here is an interesting point of view from a very smart man:

    "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer."
    -Abraham Lincoln

    You see, traditions are here to unite us in the bonfire and during difficult times, sometimes a simple beer can washup the soul and crack a much needed smile at the end of the day.


  12. Quote


    Jumping a lot of Military HAHO/HALO can get squirrely. Mine was jump number...26:

    13,000ft exit 11pm HALO grouping jump training. We were wearing MT-XX chutes at 370sq/ft, O2 masks, M4's, and Rucks with about 50-65lbs. Ruck is front mounted.
    I was first out the door, exit went cool, turned on my southern heading and sat 'flat dumb n' happy' (which is all you want to do with all that junk on you). Locked on to my altimeter at 6k waved stable at 5.5 and pulled the cord at ~5...and then it gets funky. MT's have spring loaded pilots that can bounce around in a burble from a jumper with a lot of gear on...well mine did and bounced its happy ass right around my right arm and then proceeded to lock that arm above me and to my right (effectively allowing a side and back slip with slight feet down positioning) immediately i did the holy shit moment and looked down for the cutaway and reserve. Then it got more fun, the main stayed in it's bag but a few stows came undone (for whatever the reason) and spaghettied around me and my face....great now this is happening. grabbed with my left hand for the cutaway (wearing flight gloves) managed to find my O2 masked blocked the view whoopie...found a piece of my main lift web...wrong! one more time and grabbed O2 hose...wrong again (im a dead man) then a Cypress saves my ass. I looked above my head to see a reserve clean above and the lines looking like an hourglass (the main lines wrapped up the center of the lines) no break release for me i looked for the DZ and it was over the left shoulder, grabbed the left riser and pulled for a turn and saw a scary thing (only been in the air a few seconds) i was about to hit a mountain....No PLF, just OH SHIT...WHAP!! ground and bounce and bounce and bounce...and then i hit the road Wylee Coyote style legs out in front of me and reserve calmly settling at my feet, i was fine so i gathered all that up and as i got it in my hands a car comes around the hairpin corner and nearly hits me....JESUS! all that and a car almost clobbers me...Anyways i had a sprained ankle, lines all over me, the ruck still attached, and one of my 9 lives missing...scary night for me.


    maan, this is the script from a road runner cartoon? definitively he is the winner. wow.

  13. In my 23rd jump (exit@12k, using neptune2 audible and galaxy ) after simple routine, i kept tracking and assumed a way more streamlined position, i held the position and felt a more intense wind pressure on my face and body until 4500, after landing and taking of the gear saw the vigil2 indicate 294 km/h!!!!! My fastest speed so far! :o
    Prior jumps were around 243km/h without any desires of getting higher speeds.

    Anyways, Of course i liked the feeling! Any experience on how to properly and safely train speedskydiving? :)


  14. Even for a novice skydiver like me all actions on the posted video link seams plains stupid because they were not needed to be performed in such unsecure conditions (and take away the merit of having such advanced skill) and end up turning into the kind of actions (public posted actions) that drive people who watches to say skydiving is for crazy people with suicidal tendencies and push public interest away.

    Apparently for some parcel of people the risky nature and small window of tolerance characteristic of skydiving as a sport is not enough, thus they have to turn it into a russian roulette that balances suicide attemps vs involuntary murder like situations.

    ..of course we are seeing actions from experienced jumpers here, what puzzles me is that these might be the same kind of skydivers that often condemn or demand explanations like "how many jumps you have? you'll only exit this amount of time after me, etc.." from a novice when enter a plane, i'm not picking into a particular person, but it seams that dropping the responsability on the students do not explain situations and degree of responsability like the ones being discussed in this thread.

    I'm fairly young at this amazing sport, but very well set on to respect the learned aspects of security thanks to my instructors. I constantly lookup to senior skydivers to learn from them, but the fact is:

    the seniority those guys might have does not substitute intelligence/brains and does not allow for bypassing safety rules defined by the procedures that costed the life of many good and respectful jumpers to be learned along the years.

    I bet they know that.
    I bet and HOPE they learn from the unnecesary close calls on the video.

    I hope that by posting the video the author is attempting regain respect for himself and others promoting a more secure mentality if so I support and congratulate your change of attitude before someone gets hurt.

    I think that high performance skydiving atletes should behave more like Formula 1 drivers than to inconsequent clandestine/illicit street racing participants.

    Blue skies.

  15. Parabens! bem-vindo a um esporte viciante!
    (congrats, welcome to an addicting sport!)

    I'm also from Brazil and recently out of the AFF training program that was really cool I had great instructors that were very demanding thus AFF for me was a very intense and positive challenge.

    My progression to Category/license "A" is been fun! I like to be very technical in my jumps so the more complex the better! B|

    Seize every aspect of your training, discuss all possible doubts with your instructors, and dont rush remember: what you plan on the ground is what you do on the air.


  16. Hi All!!! greetings from Brazil!

    I'm new to skydiving (almost done with my AFF, so far so good) and i'm also new to forums. I joined the forums to learn from other skydivers experience on this amazing sport.

    cheers! ;)