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Gear Reviews posted by Mr.Pink

  1. I placed my order with Deepseed back in September and the lead time was 4 weeks. They shipped it a week ahead of schedule and this was after having to re-check my measurements twice. And I'm glad they did by the way. Then when it was delivered my apartment complex didn't tell me that I had received the package. I was starting to wonder where it was. I asked the folks at Deepseed to see if they could help track it down. They responded to my email immediately and I found.
    I won't actually get to lay hands on the suit until January when I get back from Afghanistan, but from the pictures it looks like a kick ass suit! I have no doubt that it will be. I'll make sure to post another review once I get home and put it in the air.

    I would definitely recommend these guys if you are looking for a new suit. A 4 week lead time and you can put a rush on it for a nominal fee. Great friendly customer service and a sharp looking suit that not too many people are rockin' right now (at my DZ at least) make them worth the look.