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Posts posted by skygirlpc

  1. Add my name to the list!

    And to the people asking about places to stay... really the only places within walking distance from the bama are condos. I stayed at (and I am staying there again this year) the Spanish Key Condos, they are about 3 condos down (torwards FL) from the bama. Walking distance but worked better for us then the Phoenix X, Phoenix X is directly next door on the Alabama side. Any further than those two and the walk back may be slightly challenging after a few bushwackers! :) The condos inbetween Spanish Key and the Bama are huge and look VERY NICE but are pretty pricey too... last time I looked I remember them being around 4000 sq ft!! Hope that helps and I hope to see you all on the beach!

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  2. I think that makeup, like so many other things is good within balance. Not everyone that wears makeup looks like they are wearing "war paint"... as a matter of fact I have found that a lot of girls that I thought didn't wear makeup actually do wear a little, for things like light eyelashes or slight blemishes.

    I also don't think that it is ever really mandatory.

    I work in a professional office environment and I wear it daily, it just feels appropriate. Now I don't wear it to the dz, or on a run, or to play softball...

    It's all about balance!

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  3. Blue Skies, Mike! :( I only jumped at Gold Coast a few times but always found Mike to be a very welcoming and friendly guy!

    My condolences to the whole Gold Coast crew, I know that you are all suffering a huge loss! My thoughts and prayers are with you all and especially Leanne! :(

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  4. Quote

    The person who used your pack job took it on herself.

    I don't think you owe anything.

    Like it or not, the FARs are clear that a non-certified person is only supposed to pack his own main parachute, unless he is under the direct supervision of a rigger who is taking responsibility for the packing.

    Once people are ignoring that, liability rests with the user.

    Personally, I pack for myself. If I loan my rig, I tell them to return it open. If they return it packed, I repack it. That way, I am always personally responsible for what comes out of my rig, and there's never any question of who may have done what.

    I totally agree with this statement!

    Early on in my skydiving I borrowed gear some... and while I think it is natural to feel somewhat guilty, you can reassure yourself that the person decided to jump it knowing that you had packed it. It is also a good lesson to take with you as you continue to jump... know who packed your gear and if you aren't 100% comfortable, pack it yourself!!!

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  5. Quote



    Anyone out there have any updated information on this boogie this year? Airplanes? Registration? Gnat removal? hehe

    maybe some more news right now???

    It's time for a 9week call! Can't wait for so much fun!

    Wondering if there are any Ecsc-homegrow skydivers who are interested to jump to pensacola-Beach on thursday 05/27. Just before this rainbow-happening will begin. Jump, land on the beach and hang around at bamboo willie's or s.e.?!

    If I can get off work, Im in !!! =) Can't wait to hang !!!

    Don't think that I could make the jump... but the beach is on my way home... maybe I could stop by and hang out some!

    Dana - let me know if you are going!

    I am REALLY looking forward to that weekend!!! Should be some really good times! See you all on the beach! B|

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  6. Thought that I would peek in and see who all is coming into town this weekend..

    You guys treat our dz good! Wish I would be there to welcome you all... I will be out of town with family. But I know that you all will do it up good!

    Have a very fun and safe holiday weekend!


    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  7. Blue Skies, Smeglin!

    He was such a great guy and always so entertaining! I can't think of a time that he was around that I wasn't laughing. Sadly our community again lost a good one way too early!

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  8. Quote

    Dammit, every time I say something negative about DZ dogs, you guys who have the ones I like always bust me.

    Rigger knows I wasn't talking about him.
    Maybe it would just be easier to out the ones I don't like:
    Big Red
    Untrained puppies

    How's that?

    But, my "untrained puppy" stays in a pen or on a leash or in my lap... I try to make sure that she isn't a bother.

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  9. Quote

    Jen and I will be having our official Skydive Palatka wedding reception that weekend as well to add to the festivities. We'll be bringing hairy buffalo and cherry bombs. See you there!!

    Hey Adam! Looks like a group from over here may be trying to make this little event... I'll see what I can do! Hopefully I'll be able to join them!

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  10. Quote


    I have a Miniature Pinscher, Annabelle. I love her but I don't think that she is really what you are looking for. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to brag on my baby and post pics! :)

    what are you talking about, its lovely!! i always refer to them as miniature-dobermans, just my thing..

    my parents always had dachshounds, the hot-dogs.. I LOVE THEM! the one they have now loves everyone, the one before.. well, if you'd turn your back on him, he'd dig his small teeth in your calf.. but loads of love for the family too.. B|

    altough i have a big dog and enjoy it a lot, i cant really understand people that say small dogs are no real dogs, thats kinda limited thinking..

    Thanks! I love her to death, I just thought that the original poster was looking more for a bigger dog. Annabelle is my first dog ever, so I am learning as I go with her and I have nothing to compare her to. But I think that she is a pretty great little puppy!:)

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  11. I have a Miniature Pinscher, Annabelle. I love her but I don't think that she is really what you are looking for. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to brag on my baby and post pics! :)

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  12. Here is a little bit of what I wrote on my MySpace page about our memorial jump. I thought that others may like seeing it!

    So this was going to be our first year without him and for those of us that live so far away this was when reality would hit that he really was gone! I was told that we would be doing a memorial jump for him and I thought that I was emotionally prepared for it. We started dirt diving the jump Saturday evening. We were to do the jump on sunset load over the beach on Saturday. During the dirt dive our dz owner, MD, said a few words about Johnny... the reality started to set in. We load up the airplane and on the ride to altitude his Rodriguez brothers started singing the Rodriguez song for El-Beachio Rodriguez, Johnny's Rodriguez name. And my tears started coming.

    It is so hard for me to belive that the gentle spirit that we knew as El-Beachio or Johnny will never be on the plane with us again. I will never get to see his forever smile as we stand in the door looking out over the gulf shore before exit. I will never again get to hang out with him at the Bama while he drinks bushwackers and we share skydiving stories and his love for beach jumps just radiates off of him.

    Then we get to altitude. It is a very somber spirit in the plane as you know everyone has memories of Johnny flooding their thoughts. We get to the spot and all file out as planned. We had all different types of jumpers on this jump. Big guys, small girls, some in jumpsuits some in street clothes... even one with a prothstetic leg. But the formation came together flawlessly. MD gives us the signal we all break grips and they release Johnny's ashes. I had no idea a jump could be so moving! We all say our goodbyes and track away and pull our parachutes. I cried and said goodbye the whole canopy ride down. We all landed nicely in front of the Bama. I know that Johnny would have been so proud and happy with how it all went!

    I know that Johnny is in heaven celebrating with the angels. But I am going to be selfish and admit that I wish we had more time with him! I will always miss him. This weekend was so tough, everytime I saw a guy wearing a frap hat like Johnny used to wear I would for a second think, "Oh look, it's Johnny!"

    Then Sunday evening his friends brought down a tribute video they had put together for him and we watched it. Johnny was a great man. The type of guy that treated everyone has a best friend. He is truly one of those people that nobody has anything negative to say about. A truly gentle and sweet spirit. He will be missed by all that were blessed to get to know him!

    So, in the end this Memorial Day weekend turned out to truly be a Memorial weekend for a great friend! I was talking to my Mom about it and I told her that this weekend was very hard in some ways but also very great. My Mom just said, "That's how life is, hard but great!" That is so very true! I wouldn't trade in one hard time for fear of losing all those great memories!

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  13. Quote

    Have you seen Dave? :D:S

    What a great Boogie.

    The beach jumps
    The people
    The attitudes
    The liquor (Bushwhackers, shotballs, Psycho Punch, and Sangria)
    The staff
    The drunk whuffo's at the 'Bama

    All make this one of my favorite boogies.

    Thanks for a great time. I know some great pics were taken. :)

    I can't believe that there is no mention of all the girls in your shoes!:D Those things are crazy! Much fun though, much fun!

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  14. Quote

    ... and a huge shout out to Matt and Danielle for allowing some of us to truly enjoy the "vacation" by packing their tails off for us!

    Good times --

    :$Aww, thanks! It was our pleasure and I was thrilled to get in as many jumps as I did! Thanks to all of our boogie guests! You guys were great! I can't wait until next year!

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  15. Quote

    ahhhhh looky who it is, the girl with the twin:D:D:P

    Everyone there made that dz quite inviting. Nancy, MD, psycho, Becky, starts with a D :P, Matt, and all the other staff that I just can't seem to remember their names. Good times!!!! Thanks thanks thanks.

    My only regret is not doing a demo jump on a sabre2 135.

    We aren't twins![:/]

    Glad that you had fun!

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  16. Quote

    I didn't even know anything about this. Is it sort of an inter-state mullet toss reunion boogie?

    How did you miss it? There was a thread about it in the events forum!

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  17. OK, so I have been waiting for some one to post... I haven't seen one so I decided to go ahead and do it!

    I think that this weekend went so beautifully! Thank you to all of our out of town visitors! I have no idea what dz.commers I got to meet! It was fun meeting all of the new people, jumping with some of you and hanging out with you! Thank you to MD, Nancy and Becky for all of their hard work! Thank you to the drivers, Nicole, Jeffrey and Deanna... I know that you guys have a tough job! :) Thank you to Psycho and Patty for the chili and Gary for the staff food! Yummy! Thank you to PD for the demos and the great swoops! Thank you to all of the boogie guests for making this such a fun and safe weekend!

    And thank you to the Chester group for allowing me to be part of Johnny's memorial jump! I think that Johnny would be so happy with how we were able to "kick it up a notch" this year! He will be missed!

    I love you all and I hope that everyone else had has much fun as I did!


    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

  18. Now I keep getting texts messages saying things like, "On jump #3, oh what a rough day"! Argh! This is killing me!>:(

    "Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller