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Dropzone Reviews posted by voytec

  1. No bunkhouse but free camping and there is a shower too, so you can set up your tent in a really beautiful place:-)
    I went to Hinton today as I work temporary in London. First of all, great staff! I've been briefed and checked in no time in a very professional and friendly way. You just feel welcomed right away.
    Fast, comfortable 15 jumpers airplane. 13k in about 15 min
    Great, huge landing area. You could land blindfolded. Well, not literary but you know what I mean...
    Big, carpeted, closed packing area.
    Good shop if you need a battery or even something more serious like alti, goggles or helmet.
    When I was packing my rig I had a chance to witness some ground AFF training by one of the instructors. Once again, very impressive!
    The only con is a “Hamburger bar”... It’s ok to buy a tea or coffee but food is less impressive and they were out of some stuff at 12 o’clock. Including sweets It was cheap though
    Overall it is a really great place to jump so see you there soon!

  2. I went to Pujaut kind of accidentally. I was working in southern France and just stopped by for a jump or two.

    I am not French and, what is more important, I do not speak French. Usually if you are in France and do not speak French... well; basically you're screwed! I expected exactly that when I drove over there...

    How happy I was to realize that I was completely wrong! People were as helpful as you can only imagine! Helping me all possible ways to feel good, safe and have a great time. PEOPLE of Pujaut are their biggest assets!!!
    On the top of that all other things. Fantastic landing area, good plane, great view, great food...
    I am not really good in writing reviews. Just go and check by yourself people! I loved it 100% and definitely going over there again :-)