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Posts posted by mondo77

  1. Similar to fasted3, I too got a tracking suit before my FFC. I had probably 25-30 jumps on it before doing my first wingsuit jump. After doing my first jump, the video from my coach was watched by the both of us and one main thing was recognized; my arms were much further back than they needed to be. As it turns out after talking to the wingsuit coaches and instructors at my DZ, that is a common problem for people who have a main emphasis on tracking. It seems that people who focus too much on one discipline each have their own unique "fault" during a first flight. Trackers have their arms swept too far back behind them, like myself, because they are apparently used to a certain amount of pressure on their arms, and are not used to the extra pressure caused by a wingsuit. Belly flyers commonly arch too much, causing too much downward speed instead of horizontal, and freeflyers are just "generally not so good". However, those with a well rounded history do fairly well.

    This being said, would I change what I had done? No. My PF gen 2 suit is an amazing piece of equipment that I love and cherish dearly, seeing as how it recently won me a 1/2 off PF wingsuit prize during a competition. It will allow you to push your tracking to a new level, but seek out and learn basic skills first before throwing it on. Even now I still seek tracking coaching because I know I am nowhere near where I could be at my best.

    Overall, I'd say if you have the funds get the tracking suit, but don't focus solely on that. It is a nice toy to play with, and you will always come back to it at some point, I know I do.

  2. I'm sorry, but I find that extremely insulting. And if you want to play with numbers how about this? Let's say we calculate experience by jumps per month. you = 400/304 = 1.96 jumps per month. Me = 46/7 = 6.57. Wow!!!! My number is Higher than yours! Means more experience right? Learn the actual meaning behind the number genius. 75% of all deaths noes not mean that 100% of the fault goes to people with low jump numbers. Lrn2stats

    Apparently I have offended most of you by asking a legitimate question so I shall ask no more.

    Davelepka, Monkycndo, ufk22, sundevil777, and GLIDEANGLE thank you for the serious responses.

  3. That pretty much seems to be what everyone is saying so I believe that is what I will do. Found a PISA hornet for around $500 so I might save up and grab that one.

    And yes, I realize my jump numbers are quite low but I have been consistently doing the recommended practice under canopy (stalls, flying in brakes, flying w/risers, etc.) as well as landing (downwind, crosswind, rears, etc.). Canopy flight is Something I take very seriously and I consistently pull around 4K so I can have more time to practice. This is not simply a matter of "smaller is cooler". I have weighed the pros and cons for myself and believe that it is getting close to the time for me to be able to safely downsize.

  4. My main issue right now is the canopy lifespan of the falcon. It was previously used in a demo jump with a flare and as such had a few small holes in it which I have patched with ripstop. Still, can't beat a free canopy B|. Every few jumps I look the whole thing over and will notice 1 or 2 small pin holes popping up here and there which I will throw some ripstop on.

    Just looking for something cheap ($150-200) to get me in the air safely.

  5. I am currently looking for a new (to me) canopy and don't have much money so most of the ZP canopies are out of the question. I was wondering if an F-111 canopy (mainly a PD 170 9 cell) would be safe to jump at a 1.3 WL. I am currently jumping a falcon 195 (F-111) at a WL of 1.13 and am landing and flying just fine on it, however that being said it is pretty beat up and is in need of retirement. Also, current jump number is 46 (hopefully 50 after sunday)

    I have done some digging around and the common consensus about the issue is that the higher the WL the worse the flare. My main concerns are as follows:
    1) first, is it safe to jump?
    2) why is the flare worse/more dangerous? is it a higher stall point or just a characteristic of F-111 canopies?
    3) should I simply save up for a ZP?

    Thanks in advance for all advice/input.

  6. Eh, if I ever get a coach rating maybe I'll do it to my students ;) haha.

    Skymama; Boneanza and chicks rock at elsinore, maybe halloween boogie somehwere. All depends on travel money (which doesnt exist right now, bought my container and reserve this morning. B| = how my wallet feels)

  7. Just figured I'd come in and introduce myself after getting my A this past Sunday B|!

    Well, I started jumping back in August '10 at Skydive Elsinore. Did my first jump as an AFF course as a 21st birthday present. Loved so I figured I'd come out and do it a second time before my thirty days was up (jump number 2 was 28 days from jump number one :P) and after that got completely and hopelessly hooked!! The sport and it's participants are amazing and very welcoming. I'm currently in the process of purchasing my own rig so yes, I am selling EVERYTHING I own that is not skydiving related haha! Gotta pay for it somehow being a broke college kid and all.

    A big thanks to everyone out at the DZ for helping me get this far and for encouraging me to go further. I have definitely found a lifelong sport :)