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Posts posted by lauril

  1. Posted this to the general forum too...

    I've used that #1 method, stowing the excess to the lower elastic toggle keeper, it's a good and easy method, but it have to be stowed just like that, pointing from the rig to the canopy, if it's stowed pointing from the canopy to the rig, and you accidentally pull the toggle trough the loop of the excess line, it gets knotted around the elastic..

  2. I've always used that #1 method, stowing the excess to the lower elastic toggle keeper, a rigger showed me when I bought the gear about a year ago. It have to be stowed just like that, pointing from the rig to the canopy, if it's stowed pointing from the canopy to the rig, and you accidentally pull the toggle trough the loop of the excess line, it gets knotted around the elastic..

  3. Quote

    ...bellystrap was very loose too !
    So I figure this is dangerous ?

    Bellystrap loosens as the main comes out of the container, so it's not dangerous ;) I don't know about the chest strap though, it should stay put...

    - Lauri

  4. Yeah, but it can be redirected, I followed sangiro's advice to use the advanced spam filters, and never had any spam in my inbox..(they go to spam folder)

    Just go to e-mail -> options -> Advanced filters, and make a filter like this: If subject is like *****SPAM***** then send to spam, and make a spam folder. There is an option to delete the spam right away, but I prefer that it goes to a folder, as it can accidentally delete something else (not that it has happened,but...)

  5. If it's possible, it would be cool to have the same kind of notification as when you have a new private message (as shown in the pic)
    It would help slow modem users, and when you're hanging out at the forums, you'd know when you have a new message in the inbox as the page refreshes...

    - Lauri


  6. Quote

    Next thing you know, they will ban pull-outs,collapsible pilot chutes,tinted goggles,chewing gum,etc.

    No.because there's no need to, it was banned because it exeeds the maximum pulling force of 10 kg. (without peeling)


    First peal, then Pull ! (makes a huge difference)

    It does yes, but afterall she was an experienced jumper, I think she would have pulled if she could...
    When the shit hits the fan, things aren't always going as planned...

    And the ripcords are banned 'til further notice, they will publish another safety bulletin as soon as the investigation is finished...So they aren't necessarily banned for good...

    - Lauri

    Edit to add a link to the translated bulletin

  7. Maybe there is that kind of an alti somewhere, but I doubt that they are manufactured anymore...maybe you could find one if you could track down an accuracy hero from years past...
    But you don't need that kind of an alti anyways, the altitudes of the landing pattern are just guidelines, you don't have to be exactly at 100 m when you start your final approach...and as you jump more, you'll learn to judge altitude with your eyes, and the alti reading becomes very simple...

    Just keep popping to the dropzone, the plane is broken though, but not for long anymore...:)
    Keep jumping !

    - Lauri

  8. Quote

    I'm sorry for asking, but what is eurosport? I live in america so it a magazine dedicated to sports? or a tv show?

    It's a sports TV-channel...:P;)

  9. Well, I have a gath helmet, but only because I didn't have any more money at the time, 'cause I had to buy gear and alti and stuff...If you want a piece of bucket plastic to cover your head from the wind, thats ok, but I think your intentions are a little different...:P

    I'll buy a bonhead as soon as I have the money...

  10. It's like it yeah, but can't be it, because in the soul flyers vid there's a cameraman jumping in front of him...but it is a paraglider in the soul flyers vid then...

    edit--> yeah, the harness was the final tought about it, but first it was the longer lines, and when it's opening it seems to have a big hole in the center, but when looked closely, it's a very very elliptical canopy...