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Posts posted by skills4drills

  1. Hey guys,
    So Im off to chicago in April for 6 months of fun jumping. Its going to be awesome. Im from New Zealand and a non-U.S citizen.

    So I have looked at a few options for full cover medical insurance because I know the U.S is the wrong place to have an accident without insurance.

    Anyway I have looked at a few insurance companies about medical cover and it looks like its going to cost a bit, which i will pay either way.

    But my question is ' has anyone got any good recommendations for an insurance company with a reasonable price?' or Has anyone delt with their insurance company over a medical issue while jumping in the U.S Pros/Cons?

    So any feedback would be great and very helpful.

  2. Hello everyone, I tryed posting this yesterday but I think it didn't work. So here goes again, has anyone jumped the new range of NEX sony E-Mount camera, they are awesome hybrid cameras, a small everyday digital cam mixed with a DSLR. Small yet cool as because they take DSLR quality Photos at a good speed. I think they will be the next step in stills, so if anyone has jumped one couyld you please let me know about there pros or cons, Cheers
    I've tryed posting the link but I'm shit with computers.α%20NEX%20Cameras#/nex5Section&SR=nav:electronics:cameras_camcorders:shop_compare:nex_digital_cameras:ss&

  3. hey bro, I've done the course and so has nearly every jumper at my DZ including two of the DZ owners. Its a great way to fast track into the industry and meet a bunch of new people getting into jumpin. I've got nearly 200 jumps in 7 months. So you get good fast for a newbie. The emplyment side of things depends on where you do your work placement, don't expect to get a camera slot straight out of work placement (which is working for free for 3 months) but it is possible two of my course mates are already on camera and Im close to scoring a spot on camera. But you gotta work hard and commit. The owners of the DZ where you learn are money hungry drug taking dickheads. but overall the pros out weigh the cons.
    Hope this helps. cheers