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Posts posted by TheMonkey

  1. i am looking for a demo team near Austin Tx for a potential demo on May 25th. the details are still be worked out, but this would be a demo into the conclusion of the event. as it is a charity event, the certainty of this being a paid demo is sketchy, however the cause to support the families of soldiers killed in action is a good one, so hopefully someone is willing to step up.

    contact me at [email protected] if you are interested and able, or know someone that is


    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  2. i have jumped one for a few years now and all things considered it has held up relatively well...have had issues with the plastic clips for the wings (made all repairs myself), and it never really fit well over my rig - i have big wings that clip to the suit below legstraps....i am getting ready to order a new suit, and i will not be buying another zute suit

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  3. to get a feeling for who Buz was, all you need to do is read his sister Kyle's quote below and take a look at the attached says it all

    Washington Post June 26, 2008

    Soldier Was Dedicated to Service
    Arlington Resident Stood Up For Underdogs, Family Said

    By James Hohmann
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Thursday, June 26, 2008; Page B03

    Lt. Col. James J. Walton and his wife, Sarah, would have celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary today.

    But Walton, 41, who grew up in Rockville and had been living in Arlington County, died Saturday in the Kandahar province of Afghanistan after his vehicle struck a roadside bomb and his convoy came under fire, the Army said.

    Word came as Walton's parents, four siblings and eight nieces and nephews were assembling at a Delaware beach for an annual family retreat.

    "What everyone remembers about Jim is, he was larger than life," said his sister Diane Jewell, 34. "He's exactly what you'd think of when you think of a hero."

    He left goodbye letters for his parents, wife, in-laws and siblings. Yesterday, the family was planning to mail notes he wrote for some of his buddies.

    The Army said Walton's unit, part of the 1st Infantry Division, had been training and mentoring Afghan soldiers.

    People who knew him said he believed passionately in the military's mission and the work he was doing overseas. In May, he wrote two e-mails to a New York talk radio station, one of which said that "the enemy" was "acting up" with the end of the poppy-harvesting season.

    Walton knew in fourth grade that he wanted a career as a soldier, Jewell said. At St. John's College High School in the District, Walton was elected the equivalent of student body president, she said. In May 1989, after graduating from West Point, he entered the Army. Since getting married, he had served a tour in Iraq and was assigned to the Pentagon.

    In the early 1980s, Walton was an altar boy for Monsignor John F. Myslinski, now the pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Rockville. Myslinski said the family reminded him -- and not just in name -- of the fictional characters on "The Waltons," the 1970s TV show.

    "They were blond, wholesome . . . and close-knit," he said.

    The two men stayed in touch. The pastor blessed Walton's wedding ring and gave him a finger rosary before he left. In one of their last conversations, Walton told Myslinski he wanted to be active in the parish when he returned. Instead, Myslinski will preside over Walton's funeral at Arlington National Cemetery.

    There wasn't a sport Walton couldn't excel at, his family said, including springboard diving, kayaking and rock climbing. For recreation, he went for long bike rides and parachuted with friends. In 2005, he was on a team of 85 skydivers that claimed a world record for holding together an estimated 276-foot-tall formation above Florida.

    "To say you could always take him at his word was an understatement," said Frank Matrone, the best man at his wedding and a participant in that jump. "I never saw him make a bad decision. He was an all-around great guy."

    Walton and his wife nurtured abused animals, including an adopted dog, Hannibal.

    "Jimmy was a champion for the underdog," said sister Kyle Cottrell, a retired Marine lieutenant colonel. "He had a soft spot in his heart for people who couldn't help themselves."

    Kenneth Holmberg, who lives two doors down from Walton's townhouse, remembered when a neighbor locked herself out. Walton grabbed a long ladder, climbed in through her bathroom window and came out the front door with the woman's keys in hand, he said.

    "We all prayed for him when he was gone," Holmberg said. "Sometimes prayers aren't enough."

  4. Quote

    Hey everyone, This is my first post on here


    have fun, learn lots, don't die

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  5. it is a crap shoot since you never what you are going to get, but ebay is the best source i have found for finding pc style sony cameras

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  6. me and my beer wench....

    my "bright" idea for a hat....

    me tea-baggin the hound....

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  7. jump, horshoe, cutaway...and get it on video! that's how i did my 100th!:S

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  8. A friend is looking for a dz to do a tandem at that is close to the Miami area. I haven't been jumping south of Sebastian, so am looking for suggestions.



    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  9. i've owned 2 used reserves, though neither had a ride on them... had a reserve ride on one, no problem (other than i lost a handle). personally, i don't see a problem if it hasn't had a ride and is inspected by a rigger (granted it is not really old)....

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  10. Quote

    That was her 10th skydive. Up until then she had, had several tandems and a couple of IAD's. It was being treated as an AFF LVL 1.

    not attacking you fletch, but if this is the case then why was there only 1 jumpmaster?

    beat to the punch

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  11. i'd be pretty salty if i was the rigger that packed that reserve... her interviews says the reserve is "guaranteed" to open, thus implying to the whuffo world that there was a problem with equipment and/or the packing.

    no guarantees in this sport, other than if you jump, you will land one way or another... save for spontaneous combustion in freefall, i've never seen but i know a guy....

    edit: spelling tard

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  12. one more, it's a little blury but you get a better feel for the lighting....

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  13. unfortunately they don't last too long when you cut them up a lot.....

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  14. Quote

    What if, your first chute doesn't open?
    "I'd pull the reserve handle!"
    What if that one doesn't open?
    "Put my head between my knees and kiss my ass good-bye"!

    What if your parachute doesn't open?
    "Use the reserve parachute!"
    What if that one doesn't open?
    "Untie my shoe laces!"
    Why untie your shoe laces?
    "To give me something to do for the rest of my life!"

    the question i get first most of the time:
    Has your parachute ever not opened??

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

  15. my buddy Dewey pulled a stick out of the bonfire wood pile to play with a week ago.....

    Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!