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Dropzone Reviews posted by Fly_Nat

  1. The hangar is big and really close to the plane. The landing area is a decent size with enough places for the sky god or the newbie to land. The local staff is always available and full of goodwill. On top of that, there are always nice & friendly people to fly with.

    Last but not least: good vibes and crazy after jump parties.

    I highly recommend it!

  2. The site on which the Paraclub operates belongs to the association and is only dedicated to skydiving activities, there is no traffic or other planes which represents a huge pledge of serenity and security.

    The club offers a nice fleet of super well maintained parachutes.

    For the food, all choices are possible, between the restaurant with special nights (BBQ, paella,its famous chocolate crepes..)and your own preparations, all is possible.

    Accommodation is in rooms or in a bungalow, there are also very nice camping facilities. Moreover, you can relax to the outdoor pool to enjoy the sun.

    In summary: a wonderful place to visit!!