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Posts posted by MGSkyFlyer

  1. Quote

    Hey Sexy Girl!!!!

    When are ya movin??? You should come play with us in Paso!!!!;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread B| I'd love to see ya - it's been WAY too long!!!!!



    Ilove you to death...I haven't seen you in ages. I remember you flashing me in the skyvan for extra altitude!

    I will definitely come out to visit! My schedule is pretty cool I get half the week off to play!

  2. hmm you are in SOCAL? I would suggest finding an airport that is less congested, like do not go to John Wayne to learn, you will paying money while that engine is turning.

    I actually used to flight instruct out of Brackett, it's in La Verne. It's called ADP. The planes are alot cheaper there but once you see the planes you will know why. Don't be afraid, planes glide well.

    If you want a wham bam thank you ma'am course go to they have really good training and locations all over the place, but you will be paying more.

    If you are looking to make aviation a career I suggest getting a degree in something aviation related, it helps.

    Are you looking to stay in southern California? Do you want to fly for the airlines? Corporate? jump pilot?

  3. yeah it's the difference in engines.

    They sound alot different. 450's are great for aerobatics but I would prefer to have a 220 and put a wood prop on her. Something about wood props...

  4. Quote


    Girl living by herself,

    You had to say that didnt you... Get ready for the PM's! lol

    Should I clarify that my boyfriend is really big and could anyones you know what? I meant I am just living up there alone. I pity anyone that tries to touch me...I'd put up a good fight. Had to deal with student pilots trying to kill me hehe

  5. Hey everyone Happy 4th of July!

    So I am moving to the San Jose area...well up to San Jose to work by the airport...grr, on final for San Jose airport. hehe sorry I got sidetracked I thought about planes.

    I was trying to do some homework before I go up about decent areas. Girl living by herself, don't want shady areas, but I can definitely afford something alittle nicer than decent and do not mind a drive. Any help is greatly appreciates!

    Hey which DZ's are up there...maybe I can throw jumpers out on the side ;)

    Any cool air museums? I know my buddy flies a Sea Fury out of Hollister, I think they have a T-6 anf P-51 they fly around too. Have to get checked out in those.

  6. Quote

    Two biplanes just flew past my window, no more than 100 yards away. One was a little white Pitts. The other was some antique with a radial engine, in yellow paint with "US Navy" markings.

    I thought it was a very nifty surprise and wanted to share. That's all.:)

    I am taking a guess that the other plane was a Stearman ggrrr. That one in my favorite airplane actually. One day I am going to own a red Stearman, and her name will be Betsy.

    Hmm but as far as planes go, I would have to say anything from P-40s to Pea Shooter...

    ohhh check out

    now those are real planes ;)

  7. MY tree is the tree of FLIGHT!! woohoo... I have a Stearman with Santa flying it as my star...and I have...gee I dunno about 50 or so ornaments of airplanes...mostly biplanes...

    No glass balls...that's right no balls on my not because I do not like them, they just do not have really cute ones with airplanes on them.

    It's really really cute ;)

  8. Quote

    HEY, I flashed you in the skyvan during CRB!!! >:(

    I know I have lil itty bitty titties, but gosh~ :D

    well i was sitting right seat in the plane i wasn't flying as the pic...sooo you should flash me again!!!!!:P

    xoxo, g

  9. haha if the guys tried to show me their junk my plane is going down!

    For laughs i've had guys flash me their chest...I usually moleste them lol. Have yet to have a chick flash me for altitude...that would be pretty hot though.

  10. mean dorky...

    Ahh how fitting you are a Rodriguez brother! So am I..

    Desnuda Rodriguez...(means NAKED) go figure I guess not much has changed, I used to jump out naked and now I stay in and fly 'em nekkid!

  11. I am sorry you believe those people where the FIRST...aviation has been around for alot longer than that. The Wrights definitely help advance aviation immensley, however, they did not come up with this "idea" to fly on their own.

    Look at skydiving even....

    Out rank? we are all on the same's called life, we all dream, we all live together.

    Not sure if you talk to all women like this, but simmer down.

    And for your information you may want to a quick search on Robert may be surprised with your "ranking" comment.

    It's a good thing God does not rank...

  12. Quote


    I would agree with the Rod Machado books, he has a great way of adding humor into the learning process.

    As far as the ground school portion...I have really mixed feelings about this.

    I took no ground school at all. Just read the books. It's not exactly rocket science. The hardest part was learning all the abbreviations in weather reports and forecasts, and I don't see how ground school would help with that.

    ASEL in 41.8 hours, Instrument in 41.4 hours, Glider in 10 solo flights.

    That's a great accomplishment that you were able to get your certificates with that flight time. However do not confuse effort with results.

    The result is the attain a pilot certificate.

    Some people learn better in groups, others can go solo. Neither is more correct.

    Just for the F.Y.I. if you can not see how ground school could help, then maybe you are looking to closely into the mirror. Take a step back. Just like jumping, hearing anothers perspective, or sitting down for another safety meeting can help.

    The pilot who teaches himself has a fool for a student.

    — Robert Livingston, 'Flying The Aeronca'

    Personally, my greatest achievements in flying had nothing to do with was all about moments... and quite honestly, I would like to be remembered for the moments, and not the numbers when this journey is all said and done.

  13. I would agree with the Rod Machado books, he has a great way of adding humor into the learning process.

    As far as the ground school portion...I have really mixed feelings about this. As a CFI I think over the past years I may have charged for about 5 hrs tops to students. I just felt that charging someone for a conversation you could have over a beer was really messed up. So actually I had my students do just that, buy a beer. The best sources are those people who are already at the airport.

    How did you get into jumping? You showed up, you threw yourself into the DZ and just hung out. Same thing with aviation. After your lesson hang out around the airport. Some of the best pilots are just hanging out in their hangar with oodles of awesome stories that you can benefit from.

    Yes study on your own, chair fly, and dream about it. A really great site is

    He talks about the inner art of airmenship. I know it may sound like it's way out in left field, but if anyone can be a pilot, very few actually appreciate the beauty of it. You are about ready to embark on a new journey...a path that leads into the blue sky above you. It will change your life forever if you let not only your mind grow, but your heart as well.