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Posts posted by solodude59

  1. over here in afghanistan, i really only see tv when im eating at the chow hall. i just happen to have my iphone (glorified mp3 player here) with me and snap this before they went to a commercial.
    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor

  2. Super High Me

    A documentary about smoking pot all day for 30 days. The researcher takes aptitude tests before and after the trial, very interesting.... :D

    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor

  3. Gold Coast is where I started my AFF! Depending on when you go back to do AFF, you might see me. I'll be home from Afghanistan in about a week, and I'll be at the DZ for their Wounded Warrior Project Boogie from July 22-24! It would be great to see you! You should be able to find me pretty easily... Look at my pic :D

    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor

  4. Im from florida, but i started my AFF at Gold Coast Skydivers before I deployed. I have never been to another dropzone, but the atmosphere there is wonderful. The instructors are highly informational, firm but polite. They even helped me with accelerating 2 levels since I was over 30 days due to military training. Overall, I will continue to make the 4 hour drive until I find somewhere that's better!

    Hope my $0.02 helps...
    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor

  5. I purchased the Parasport Italia Z1 shortly before I deployed. It fits ever-so-nicely to my massive dome :D, and Ive HEARD the vent around the mouth area allows for cool air to ventilate during freefall. I like the fact that I was able to buy a tinted lens. I bought a Neptune N3 to mount as my audible, but havent yet. Unfortunately, I havent had a chance to jump it yet :P, but I will get back to ya on that one... Still gotta finish AFF when I get home in a few weeks. [:/]

    Attached are pics with the tinted lens.

    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor

  6. I'm in Afghanistan as I type this, and I can see the money flying out the window.. Not only that, war can also be extremely profitable. One example...

    At our camp, we have two different "internet providers", I use that term very loosely. Its around $100 per month for a satellite connection that is slower than dialup, and only works when the weather is prestine AND when everyone is not trying to Skype with their families. This is rare.

    I could talk all day about waste of funds over here, but technically what I do is classified. Lets just say the government gives better medical care to the captured enemy than to the troops here.

    My opinion is heavily biased from being in the midst of this conundrum, so consider this my $0.02...
    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor

  7. The Mirage M8 fitting guide states that it can fit a Aerodyne Solo 250 with a Soft fit. So, in my limited opinion, you might be able to fit a 260 in there depending on the material, canopy, etc.

    I chose Mirage because of the awesome 30% discount they offer to military on new containers. (Plus, I had $750 gift certificate that I found on the store for $250 :D). Just an idea man.

    Cant really vouch for the container yet because I havent jumped it yet. Stuck in afghanistan for a few more weeks... [:/]

    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor

  8. I agree with the tandem idea. It would definitely help with the sensory overload, "pucker factor" with that first AFF jump. Might cost a little more, but I think it would have helped me be more comfortable in the air. I forget to breathe for about 15 seconds after exit until my instructors shook the hell outta me. :D Just my $0.02...

    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor

  9. Hmmm... so do you own your rig? I bought my rig after I got deployed, and when I get back, my DZ is talking about giving me a "loaner" canopy to assist in my downsizing. I suppose this question goes out to everyone.. How does a "loaner" work? With my limited knowledge of DZ operations, combined with some basic common sense, I would think that I'd give my current main (Pilot 210) as collateral and keep the loaner (probably Nav 240 or 220 since I started on a 260), or else they could just report the canopy as stolen to USPA. However, the latter choice seems risky, especially considering Im new to the sport. Any ones opinion would be appreciated.
    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor

  10. Might I ask where you are doing this helo jump? I'm itching to find places for helo and balloon once I get back from Afghanistan and finish my aff
    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor

  11. I agree with ChrisL. I have mild anxiety/depression issues and I take a daily low dose of an SSRI (20mg of Celexa). When I did my first jump, AFF, I forgot how to breathe, and just froze for a few seconds. Luckily the instructors shook the hell out of me, and I remembered what to do. In my limited opinion, I would recommend a tandem for the first, just to eliminate the massive pucker factor at first, and help you enjoy AFF. Just my $0.02... :D

    In freefall, you have the rest of your life to figure out what's wrong. -Joe, AFF Instructor