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Dropzone Reviews posted by gregorygottlieb

  1. Known for its friendly atmosphere, Hinton is in my view the 'Go To' DZ for visitors to the UK. The PAC750 is warm in winter, comfortable, quick to altitude and efficient. The facilities are perfectly good and the staff are patient, helpful and highly professional. Prices are comparable or even slightly lower than other DZs in their part of the UK.

  2. This purpose built facility in the middle of the desert has attracted some of the best instructors from all over the world. With a fleet of superb aircraft, occasional helicopters (Bell 212s) on hand and regular balloon jumps in the season, the biggest challenge with this dropzone is where to go to find something nearly as good!

  3. Skydive Dubai seems to have set the goal of becoming THE skydiving center worldwide - a tough and challenging target. It seems that being owned by, and with the direct support and involvement of the Crown Prince of Dubai, they've made an exceptionally good start. There's nowhere I'd rather be skydiving!

  4. They welcome newcomers - including fun jumpers & not just tandems, as is the case elsewhere in WA.
    They bend over backwards to make the essential paperwork seem easy - and they clearly value their growing regional community.
    Having now jumped there, I would - and may well - fly back to Australia just in order to visit Southern Skydivers.
    An excellent regional facility, well run and not just a tandem factory.