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Posts posted by Fallosophy

  1. Don't ever be afraid to ask questions - especially to your instructors. Safety questions are not "morbid". My first mal happened on my 11th. what does that qualify me to say? absolutely nothing except to tell you to practice your emergency procedures and trust the instruction fro myour teachers. I got through mine through muscle memory. there was time to get weird about it later when i was safely on the ground.

  2. this thread makes me lol. but ya, if you are staying downtown you need to get out of that area - do NOT go to underground atl. go to midtown for clubs, virginia highlands for pubs, and little five for freaks and geeks.

  3. I don't post often here so this is a strange thread to do it in...

    Anyway, I keep myself trimmed very well. I don't think the debate should be to shave it all or not to shave at all. I like still having "a man bush" but prefer everything under the "unit" to be bare. This allows me to keep some masculinity while making my...uh oh...um..crack ...and crotch nice and clean. This is the way my girlfriend also prefers it. It makes things she likes to do for me more pleasant for her and that makes me feel good.

  4. I had a pc nose over on an early AFF jump. I figured it might be because I'm a bit of a lightweight - 145. It caused me to turn at a medium rate to my left but after doing my control check I judged I would be able to safely land with toggle compensation. It wasn't my most accurate landing but I felt it was safe. Like the others said it is usually probably not a big issue.

  5. Hey everyone.

    I'm doing a very basic demonstration speech for a class. I stress basic because no one is going into much detail on their topics. My specific purpse satement is this: "To inform my audience how to perform a safe skydive and parachute landing".

    My first subtopic is a gear check. My question to you all is if I could please get about 5 basic things on the rig to inspect. When I was jumping I was cleared to inspect my own gear however that was awhile ago and I only attained 22 jumps. So I need to explain to the class 5 or so basic things to inspect on the rig and I just wanted to make sure what I have already is sufficient.

    disclaimer: I feel confident with skydiving as a topic because NO ONE, not even me, will use my presentation as actual training for the real thing. This is merely to give some whuffos some basic info.

    thank you in advance

  6. I didn't have time to read the other replies so I really apologize if this has been said.

    Just trust in your instructors and listen to them carefully. Make sure you can recite all the different procedures without thinking about them too much while going through the hand and body motions.

    I had a high speed mal (bag lock) on only my eleventh. I didn't have time to really think about it until after I was on the ground and gave my debrief. I realized I had simply gone through the procedures without thinking about them - a true testament to my instructors.


    you will be fine. have confidence in yourself and what you are taught.

  7. I did not read all the responses so I apologize if this isn't adding anything. I had an instructor intentionally spin me once at a pretty high altitude. I didn't mind at all because it was obvious what they were doing. All I did was turn back on heading.

    small thingsto make students think on their feet is good
    blatant reckless joking by instructors is probably not a good idea and I'm sure most do not do it.

  8. Hey guys, I had the pleasure of visiting Eloy for the first time last week on my spring break. I've been wanting to see your DZ for a long time now. Lemme just say that place is BADASS! Thanks especially to Phil who did my tandem.

    Hopefully Skydive Arizona will be my home DZ at some point.


  9. I think I am most nervous on the ride to altitude in which case it peaks just as they call door and I'm moving towards it. In the air, all fear leaves because it is so exciting and all the adrenaline finally has an output.

    I was however scared more than usuall on my next jump after my first malfunction which occured pretty early on - my 11th jump

    Looking back on it I am SO glad I had a Mal so early in my jumping career because now I have the confidence in myself because i know how to quickly asses and deal with a problem just like i was trained to do.

    so mostly all that is left is the good bit of fear that keeps us all safe.
