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Posts posted by 727_Jumper

  1. I always have an audible in my helmet and wrist mount neptune (logging and canopy alarms)

    when I wing suit, I have the above, plus a mud flap mounted alt. and a 2nd, redundant audible.

  2. I can see a good number of people here, by their response, that they are indeed, socialists; plain and simple.

    Who else can justify the taking of another persons property without permission? This is the same disease spreading throughout the world, the haves vs the have-not's. "entitlement". But I digress..

    The DZO was free to do with his property as he felt best. His generosity, while admirable, doesn't grant him free access to another's property.

    Should the OP recognize and be thankful for the DZO's generosity? hell yeah, (it does not sound as though he is not thankful though). How the OP pays back the favors granted to him by the DZO is up to him and between the two of them.

    moral of the story:
    private property, learn to respect it.
    values and ethics, have some.
    and tell the truth up front, save everyone a lot of time and hassle.


    Skyrider brings up a good point.. got an issue with someone?, man up and talk to them. all too often people run off to the cops when a simple conversation could have taken care of the whole thing for good.

  3. I'll second the "demo" advice.. seriously.

    try 'em out, see which ones you like best.

    you have a rig already, I know that PD will let you demo what ever they have for a week or two, check their website.

  4. ya'll taking this thread places it doesn't need to go

    questions recently posed need clarification-

    * OP says his rig was taken w/o permission by the DZO

    * DZO says it was used with consent.

    we now have conflicting stories. who is telling the truth?

    everyone trying to excuse the dzo's actions for what ever reason is moot.

    team player or not, sky god or not.. doesn't matter. there is no justification for taking a rig w/o permission (unless, as previously mentioned, it was the only way a life could have been saved ( ~ whatever))

    IMHO this has turned into a jerry springer type thread, which sadly, seems to be a commonly reoccurring theme here. There is a reason I don't go into the "community" section.. it's really bad in there last I looked...I thought that kinda stuff was supposed to stay there (?)

    man up. someone here is lying and/or not telling the whole (relevant) story.

  5. Quote

    To let everone know I am the DZO that this thread is about. Situation very busy tandem day swoopfly regular packer at DZ has been asking for a chance to fly video. I comped several slots on non video tandems for him to prove himself. After several attempts he proved he could NOT produce a sellable product. One of the regular video flyers rig was not packed as the bus was leaving, normally my staff would grab a rental rig but none were available. I asked swoopfly to let me borrow his rig he whinned a bit but I reminded him of all the FREE gear rental I gave him before he could afford his own gear. I also assured him I would take full responsibility for his gear. The videographer that used the gear has 500 jumps and currently jumps a crossfire 129, the borrowed gear was a katana 135. Those that know me know that I am a stand up DZO. My 2 cents.

    you may be generous, but you lack class by calling into question the guys ability to fly, especially in a thread where the discussion is about using another persons property without permission.

  6. Quote

    The first time I emailled thbem, never got a response.
    The second time I got an reply the next day.
    Emails sometimes got lost, don't arrive, got blocked by their or your spamfilter...

    I had the same experience

  7. Quote

    >" I teach new guys " at 280 jumps

    I was putting first jump students out at 120 jumps! Of course that was a long time ago, back when that was actually a fair number of jumps.

    I was putting SL students out around that time as well, IIRC (It's been a few years) ;)

  8. I see your in NL, so I can't speak for there, but here in the US, from my experience, if you're a licensed skydiver, you can wear what you want.

    leather 'frap hat's were very popular in the late 80's early 90's when I started, but I always wore a protec if I did wear a helmet.
    I still wear a protec (the type that do not cover my ears) when I use a helmet (personal preference)
    I see leather frap hats from time to time, not as prevalent as they once were.

    I don't think you'll be the source of any joking, regardless of the type of protection you wear (or not).

  9. anything with a ramp

    a Turbine Porter is on my wish-list.. I love that plane as-is, now to jump out of one... or maybe out of one and into another (yes, already been done, but kewl) ;)

    I was on the first pass they did the 727.. that was bitchin'... but something with a ramp presents more opportunities for fun!

  10. let me be clear, I'm not an FAA certificated Rigger, but I do have an Airman Certificate (as an A&P).
    I should also point out that these things we're talking about are for reference or talking points only, they are not the official requirements or specifications of any rig/harness/canopy manufacturer (etc..) and actual work performed should always be performed and reference to/by the appropriate mfg's approved documents, by or under the supervision of an appropriately certificated individual(s).

    and another point to your comment, to be fair, it should also be noted that the document in question lists the forces as a "Minimum". So if a rigger tests a pilot chute at X lbs and is well above the appropriately specified minimums or tolerances, its all good.

  11. Quote



    Vector has one of the the strongest reserve PC springs (45 lbs). Javelin has one of the weakest (19 lbs).

    the document listed here begs to differ somewhat...


    usual disclaimers .... ;)

    I know. Also, please notice that the file you referenced is 7 years old. Vector3 uses a reserve spring with up to 45lbs strength (40 to 45 lbs, it is).

    check the date and post of the author..

    "06/05/09 at 06:49 AM"

    not arguing the point nor claiming any accuracy, just as a matter of discussion based upon things said here.

  12. Quote

    Hi champ,

    I will assume that you have gotten my reply to your PM.

    This brings up something that I have given a lot of thought to in the past few years:

    Does anyone purchasing new gear really make a decision based upon which version of the TSO that the gear was certificated under?

    So, how about you, mchamp; what do you say?

    You did ask the question? :P


    PS) I, personally, do not think that people care about which TSO gear is certificated under.

    I think it only fair for me to speak up as I'm the one who introduced TSOs into the discussion.. My goal was to show that a standard for manufacturing had been met by both companies and it was basically a level playing field. The info I had was erroneous and have since made a clarification in a follow up post.