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Posts posted by KerLaw

  1. Quote


    Only a long-term suggestion: take a couple English composition courses, if the instructors are good at teaching it (which I realize isn't always a given). Seriously. Don't just accept your deficiency at a particular skill set; be proactive about improving it. Just like good driving instruction, canopy coaching or math tutoring, you'd be surprised at how much good composition instruction, combined with serious effort on your part, can improve your writing skills.


    I'm lucky - I'm definitely a "natural" at writing. It's easy for me. But if I think back to what really tightened up my writing - it was good teaching and lots and lots of practice. Learning not only to write but to edit (my work and the work of others) has helped me to strengthen my own work.

    That started junior year of high school when each quarter we'd have four papers to do on various topics. For each paper, the first draft went to a peer for review. The second draft was the edited version based on your peer's feedback. That was the draft that went to the teacher. She could accept it as is, or give it back for revisions. This process repeated until she accepted the paper, or until you hit five drafts. At that point, you moved onto the next paper in the sequence.

    That process of writing, editing, and rewriting was frustrating* but also hugely valuable (and much more like the "real world" applications of writing that I use today, where things I write are reviewed and edited multiple times).

    Then I went to college and joined the newspaper so I was constantly writing with space limitations, under deadline. Being able to tell a story in that format was also good discipline - you don't have a lot of space most of the time but you've got to get a lot of information in.

    *I should add this was in the olden days of the 80s when not a lot of us had word processors or PCs at home to do our work, so every rewrite involved completely retyping or rewriting. :S:D

    Yup! Did this in high school! The very nature of having an essay peer reviewed provided the initiative to actually produce something of value. We had a " 1 up " contest going, always trying to one-up each other.

    I agree 100% that the best way to improve your basic english skill-set is to get some tutoring. Sentence structure and composition is simply a matter of understanding the true usage of verbs, adjectives, pronouns, nouns to name a few, and how they can convey a theory or essay.

    Good Luck,
    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  2. I love my WallBed!

    as for deadlift: no way! Go with the spring loaded model.
    The weight of the mattresswill have to be a major factor in the lift mechanism, and make sure you have stong enough velcro to secure the mattress!!!

    The stronger the construction, the more ' action ' it can take... lol..

    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  3. Quote

    I don't want to go off on Beck here but I'm using him as a familiar example. He frequently mentions the "New World Order" and I'm curious why he and other people so afraid of that?

    Here was an interesting find...
    Learn about the NWO Here...

    Not for the faint at heart.
    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  4. Quote


    Just to clarify - and this is directed to the OP who might not know this - Lutz isn't notorious for poor performance on his first jump - students fuck up all the time - he's notorious because he acted like a dick afterward and tried to blame everyone/everything else but himself.

    Students who are humble get eager helping hands to guide them along.

    While I agree with you that Lutz's most eggregious behavior was his attitude about who's fault it was and his eagerness to put the video on every TV show that would show it, his actions of pulling the cutaway handle instead of the main handle, and his choice of landing area are still well below par.

    And to the OP - I've never heard of "Frosted Stupid" for breakfast.
    I've had my share of "Stupid-O's", but never Frosted Stupid.

    Does the commercial have some kind of big cat saying something like

    "They're Rrrrrrrretarded!"?


    >>>heads for a cloth to clean the screen of dripping coffee spewed forth at such great humor for this time of day...

    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  5. Quote

    latest word has it the tunnel is going to work in the Bahamas over the winter.

    ? like, this is strange; I was hoping to get some time in, and now the dang thing is on vacation in the Bahamas!!! Must've been quite the manifest to ship that thing down there!...

    guess I just have to dream of May's Blue Skies!
    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  6. Quote


    Hmmm, Given the fact that a good number of tunnel projects are currently on hold, well, I think you choose a hard project.

    That is, unless you want to focus, say, on comparisons of multiple-investor dynamics to the herding of cats. Fraidy-cats, to be specific.

    lol... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

    I so understand this...[:/]
    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  7. I'd not really ever thought of tipping when it came to skydiving....

    But apon my getting my solo...

    I did bring LOTS of

    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  8. Quote


    OK, where the hell is that?

    It's a secret rate. It's so secret that all of my service records are classified and all I have to show for it is this little rainbow pin I wear on my lapel.


    LOL!!!B|B| good on ya, girl! Dare I say, "wear it with PRIDE!!!":ph34r:
    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  9. Quote

    strippers - nakedness at 100+mph winds - it might sound good, ........ but it's not

    just imagine the 'ripple effect' lol.....

    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  10. Quote


    I then asked the pastor the same question and he told me that they would meet us in heaven cause heaven wouldn't be heaven if our pets weren't there. Therefore, I believe...Rainbow Bridge exists.

    Perfect! Cause our pets are what makes this hell on earth feel like heaven.

    ^^^ .!This!.^^^


    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  11. The coldest I've experienced is in '86..... - 46C, thats (-51F); the wind chill factor was off the scale..... skin froze in seconds. Spent three days in a tented encampment....!... lol...B|

    I jumped on October 17th where the temp at exit according to my altitrack was -23C... :o After that I think I'd go again. I was layered properly and I'm kinda thick skinned to start with anyway..

    It can get >:(nasty>:( cold up here.:ph34r:

    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  12. FJC: One whole day. :$ Sat. 8-5... 'twas a great day!...B|
    Even with 18 other people!!!:S

    Lunch was AWESOME! It was included in the FJC course price... If anyone ever makes it up to Eden North, make time to have a snack at Donna's Cullinary Shack!!!:P

    I certainly tip my hat to the two instructors ;) and various JM's that were involved.

    One thing was so clear about the whole process... safety first. :)

    And just to follow up with what came next......

    Each AFF lesson (pre and post jump) usually entailed up to 3 hrs
    On my second crack :ph34r: at AFF4, it was only 20 min's... lol... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: Left turn spins are... outa this world :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  13. Quote








    How about a complete stranger pop in?

    I predict....



    DD :)

    I say turtle

    Wrong again, back to you Deedy Did you actually quit yesterday at work?

    NOPE - ha


    mwahahahahaha, no.
    I'll go for Twardo this time.


    how about KerLaw?

    Nope just me...

    But who is KerLaw? I guess them again.

    KerLaw I am....



    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  14. Quote

    How do you go from a badly spinning, AFF Level-5... from there - directly to coaching jumps?

    what is it I either don't understand or am (apparently) missing here?

    I think it's AFF V over and over again, with extra coaching. :)
    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  15. Quote

    ... I didn't discover this sport sooner!

    Hi everyone, I did an IAD dive on (Canadian) Thanksgiving weekend and fell in love with the sport instantly.

    Since leaving the DZ on Saturday I couldn't stop thinking about it and how I wanted to do more! So I called them up the next day and tried to start my AFF right away but the winds kicked in and I couldn't go up. Hopefully tomorrow I can get my level I in.

    So in the meantime I've been exploring the web to find the community (hence I find myself here) and 'simulating' my first AFF dive... my coworkers are starting to look at me funny though...

    B|;)That's EDEN!!! I jump there too!

    Welcome to the BlueSkies!!!
    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  16. Quote

    FlyZone Bodyflight Canada is pleased to announce that we have secured a location in Delta (near Richmond/Vancouver), British Columbia!

    Currently we are renovating our office space, although the wind tunnel is fully operational, so come and check us out!

    We are offering a "Skydivers Special" -- if you bring in your USPA or CSPA membership card we will give a 15% discount on your block time.

    Visit for a full price list or email [email protected] to book your flight time today!

    We look forward to flying with you! :)

    Checked your site and fb out... sounds like really good news! I was thinking about heading to Montreal this winter for a WT vacation with the family... But your closer and the weather is nicer... lol...

    So, uh... us students gotta pay full pop, eh?

    Can I bring my own suit and helmet?

    Oh! And your sites don't give a direct location... kinda hard to plan with out that info...

    Hope this works for you!
    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"

  17. B|
    AFF 6: WHAT A BLAST!!!!:P
    Even got a 'certificate' for it... lol..:ph34r:

    So, now on to more blue skies... B|

    Also: a big shout out to the gang at EDEN!!! Thanks for all your support and encouragement...

    And to the :)peeps:) here at I learned a lot here!;)
    So, thanks everyone!:)
    Half-Way to 'A' and lovin' them blue skies...
    and women with pretty blue eyes...
    & ... "EH?"