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Posts posted by nancyfrye

  1. I know the study is a long one, which is why I really appreciate people who did go through the whole study. I'll keep in mind for future studies putting in the number of pages, since I wasn't trying to mislead anyone about the length of the study.

    I didn't mean to imply that all those events would happen on every jump, or be likely to happen on any jump. Instead, your response is exactly the sort of information I'm hoping to find out about. I want to know about how likely those events might be to happen, whether you think they're completely unlikely, completely likely, or somewhere in between.

    Again, I understand that the study is long, and can get tedious. I appreciate everyone who did participate. I'll post a summary of the results in several months, once the study is complete and I've had a chance to look at the data.

  2. Hi - I'd posted about this before, so sorry for the double posting. But, at least in the northeast, it's raining, and the weather is probably preventing a lot of you from skydiving, so I thought you might be interested in participating in a study about skydiving instead.

    Many of you have already participated, which I really appreciate. I'm looking to get responses from as many people as possible, so if you haven't yet participated but are interested in the study, please participate, and, if you have participated, please pass the link on the friends who might be interested. This study is for relationship partners too, so please pass it along to your significant other, or skydiving friends' significant others.

    I'm looking for people who are willing to spend 30-40 minutes answering questions online about skydiving. Here's the link to the study:


  3. Hi - I'm a professor of psychology, and also dating a skydiver. I'm conducting an online research study now, looking at how people perceive the risks of skydiving. I'm looking for skydivers and their spouse/relationship partner who would be willing to spend 30-40 minutes answering questions. Any questions can be left unanswered, and it's possible to save your responses to come back later, if you don't have a 30-40 minute chunk of time all at once.

    Here's a link to the study:

    All the technical glitches should hopefully have been caught, but if you run into any - or have any questions about the study - please send me an email at [email protected]