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Posts posted by cbrown1311

  1. First, talk to your instructors, get in person coaching, there is no substitute. Second, how much time total would you say you've spent tracking? 1 minute? 2 minutes? You wouldn't expect to be really good at anything else with so little time, tracking, and in fact skydiving, is no different. You just need to jump more. Really awesome your trying to get better, and especially awesome that you are taking the time to learn tracking, as it will inevitably save your life some day, but it will all come with practice and coaching. Go out and spend time at the DZ and make some jumps.

  2. Yep, v2.39 is the latest according to the GoPro website. I too got the email this morning though, maybe they thought some people didn't know about the update so they sent out a reminder since people are still sending in complaints.

  3. There have been many cases of ruptured vertebral arteries when chiropractors get near people's necks. These arteries are one of the main sets of arteries running through your spine to your brain. Chiropractors unfortunately do not practice evidence based medicine. There has been a lot of debate whether chiropractors manipulations do anything other than work via mechanisms similar to placebo. I personally say if it works for you fine, I'm not going to tell you it doesn't, but please do not let chiropractors adjust anything related to your neck. It's just asking for vertebral artery rupture. See someone with an MD or DO, preferably an orthopedist or neurosurgeon, as has been suggested above.

  4. Unfortunately snags aren't the most dangerous part of using a camera. The real danger comes from the distraction they provide, made obvious by the small format camera incident list which provides many examples of people who were too busy "trying to get the shot" and forgot to do other things that, had they had more experience, might have been second nature. Designing a snag free camera mount is a nice idea, but it won't be a cure all for inexperienced camera fliers strapping go pros to their helmets. It would fix a real problem, so if you have the free time and desire, go ahead and explore it, but realize thats not the root of the problem.

  5. Since this has been brought up, I was wondering, are there any ASL signs that would be really useful for jumpers to learn in case we need to communicate with deaf jumpers? Maybe BillyVance can shed some light on this, but it seems like I meet deaf jumpers all the time, and it would be nice to be able to communicate with them in times of emergency etc.

  6. I have yet to pay for a coach jump, just because of the simple fact that there are tons of fantastic skydivers around who really enjoy teaching even in the absence of financial compensation. Obviously its nice to give these guys a little something, even a beer at the end of the day, but most expect nothing in return other than a big smile and a thank you. As with anything in life, finding great mentors can make all the difference in the world.

  7. Just ask, the worst that can happen is they say no. Most experienced jumpers have been in the same position as you at least once. Just make sure you pay it forward when you have experience by jumping with the low timers, especially the ones that are struggling. Sometimes all a new skydiver needs is a friend to motivate them to make it past that initial stage of inexperience and lack of self confidence.

  8. The Vision has the additional coverage by the shell of the helmet on the forehead. It also comes in both freefly and belly angles, so you can choose which suits your needs. I have started using a Vision this season, and have absolutely no complaints so far, couldn't be happier with it. For what its worth, I've tested both visions and images and they both fit like a glove, I just opted for the additional shell coverage.

  9. Not a AFFI, just a 200 jump wonder, so take my viewpoint for what its worth....

    Where I completely agree that there are risks with AFFI's wearing cameras on AFF jumps, I think there have to be exceptions for those doing AFF from 182's. Where I jump, on a hot summer day, there isn't a popsicles chance in hell a 182 could take 2 AFFI's a hefty student and an outside camera man to 12K in a reasonable amount of time. This would leave the student with no video at all, which, I think we all can agree, is a very important part of the dive debrief. I propose that AFFI's using inside video need to be even more careful with snag hazards on video setups than normal, but think that not allowing AFFI's to use inside video would result in a lot of repeated mistakes from students who, like usual, don't believe they did something wrong until they see it themselves.

  10. Quote


    B-6. Diagonal Orientation
    Diagonal flying is any angle between 1° and 89°.

    The angles can be classified into three (3) major groups:
    • "Tracking" is horizontal movement with the torso predominantly horizontal with respect to the ground.
    • "Flock" is horizontal movement with the torso predominantly vertical with respect to the ground.
    • "Atmonauti" is horizontal movement with the torso at an angle between a "Track" and a "Flock", but preferred to be close to 45° with respect to the ground.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but last time I checked, having your torso vertical with respect to the ground is headdown and commonly referred to as freeflying. Horizontal movement in this configuration is extremely limited compared to either of the other two.

  11. Hey everyone,

    More likely than not I'll be attending medical school at the University of Chicago, and I was wondering a couple of things:

    1.) Are there any jumpers here that live in Hyde Park?
    2.) Whats the closest dropzone in terms of time to the University? both CSC and Skydive Chicago are about the only two dropzones I've heard anything about
    3.) Does the University have any type of skydiving club?

  12. In my experience, if you want to get back on the horse, you need to do it as soon as possible (obviously not against medical advice). When I was 16 I got pretty screwed up in a motorcycle accident and went all winter and most of the next summer without riding to recover. I told my dad I didn't know if I wanted to ride again because I was scared and he basically gave me a swift kick in the ass and said get your ass back on that bike and I've been riding ever since. Everyday that goes by thinking about it makes it worse and worse, so just put the fear aside and make that leap.

  13. Would it be safe to assume that most jumpers main and reserves are of similar age? If that is a safe assumption, I might say this data supports the hypothesis that older main parachutes are more likely to malfunction, as that could explain the "saves" from older reserves more often than newer reserves.

  14. Its usually best to discuss these issues with the experts at your particular institution, as different states and different institutions have different rules. Surely there are other sports with similar reputations to skydiving at your school, so maybe it is possible to talk with the people in charge of their insurance etc. For instance here, we have one group that provides insurance for the skydiving club, motocross club, the snowboard and ski club, the rugby team, and many others, all of which need their own special waivers but are ultimately governed by a single body and subject to the same requirements as far as insurance and liability goes.

    The free jump thing is a problem here as well, but as our funding is determined by membership, we have every university student who does a tandem sign up for membership and therefore count towards the number that determines how much funding we get. We have found that the initial amount of funding we recieved from this was enough to fully pay for a trip to Collegiate Nationals, about 400 "training jumps", and still have enough left over to kick back a pretty hefty discount to the kids interested in tandems in hopes that they would become interested enough to pursue AFF.

    Our student government, who decides our funding, has been extremely supportive as long as we let them know that it distinguishes our school from others and provides a unique opportunity for students.

  15. If you guys are an officially recognized club, you should be able to ask for some money specifically for advertising. Our club does very well also at a gathering of new students called clubfest, where any club can have a representative there to promote the club. The best thing we have done as far as advertising goes is tape posters to the ground on the sidewalk where students walk. Not many people think about how most students stare at the ground when they walk and almost everyone sees these posters. Start asking around especially to members of your funding committee, in my experience, the committee is very supportive and excited to have a skydiving club on campus because its something not every university can boast that they provide to incoming students.

  16. It just seems to me like there are many fewer saves from AAD's and many more malfunctions then you would expect from any other piece of electronic equipment. Also, you guys talk about the things that may effect them, such as body position and imperfect air pressure readings, but I ask why have those things not been accounted for such that the device fires at an altitude that, even with those errors, still fires high enough for a reserve deployment? I don't know about you guys but I would rather have an AAD fire 500 feet higher if it means that it will correctly deploy a reserve 90 percent of the time than 500 feet lower and deploy 50 percent of the time

  17. The problem I'm having is understanding how many entries in the incident forum say "AAD fired but too late for reserve to fully inflate." It seems like in the last 3 years theres at least been a handful of those. I just can't understand how that could happen.