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Posts posted by Kajmana

  1. I'm a total newb (14 jumps) and got a couple in at Lodi last week, for the most part it was a great experience except I was literally yelled at as I was trying to spot the LZ before exiting, "the lights green! Fucking go!" are the exact words and nobody offered to help spot even after asking. Fun dropzone nonetheless, just a little stressful for a new guy.

  2. I know it's in the sims, a recommended canopy progression but I couldn't find it, derrr.
    Here's my question, I'm hopefully one jump away from
    completing the AFF program. I started on a 265, and my 6 was on a 235. Should I expect to fly a 235 for those first 100 or so? I'm asking because I'm wondering if buying a used rig would pan out to be about the same cost wise? And when ready to downsize how well do canopies hold their value?
    I don't like the idea of renting at unfamiliar dropzones, call it 'gear fear' or whatever, I just think owning your own equipment relieves some anxiety, not to mention I would like to be packing my own main, not because I don't trust their staff , I just want to know and understand this piece of fabric that is saving my life completely.

  3. "you don't" that's exactly what I thought when I read the thread title.
    Nothing worse than someone nagging you- clean your room! You drink too much! Your a pansy dude you can't even do a backflip over an 80ft gap on your bigwheel.
    They'll be ready when they want to, probably around there 30-35th birthdays, hahahhaaha


    Other people at the DZ seem to get friends to jump.....how do you do it?

    you make new friends at the drop zones

  4. You're right, I shouldn't opt out any product w/o proper research. I guess I am looking for something a lil more budget friendly that performs the same functions, comfortable in a bucket and :SI also realize that this is an expensive/highly addictive sport and that I can say goodbye to all my expendable income :S

  5. I'm going in for my AFF3 class, but first I'm gonna go do
    5 min in the tunnel on monday and prolly drop on Thursday. I'm just doing it so I can practice a little belly stability along with some
    other manuevers. My plan is to go in with a particular dive flow. Every 10sec once there is a minute left in the tunnel flight I am going to practice executing certain tasks, L360, R360, stable, practice pull (I know I won't be wearing a rig but just the movement) F-loop, B-loop, and at 5 sec left wave off. I'm a total newb, obviously, but at least for me if I feel that if you go in with a dive flow in mind you'll also be training yourself to think and execute during your FF. In reality though, once I get certified- not licensed - I would much rather spend the 80 for the real deal. But however you decide to approach it you are gonna love the rush once you make your first jumps, have fun with your new adventures!

  6. Howdy, just turned 35 and got my first jump(tandem) in. I will be stArting my training for the FFC next week. This sport rocks! At least that's how I fall! Hope to meet some of you in the sky.