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Posts posted by mikepetrucci

  1. I'm practically in the same boat as you. I did one tandem so far but I think I'm going to do some IAD jumps. Mostly for cost and learning to focus on just the ride down & landing. Thanks all for the input!

  2. This may be a really amateurish question and I did a search in the forums but couldn't find the answer.

    I was just listening to the most recent Skydive Radio episode (#132) and they talked about "laying base."

    I usually don't ask stuff in forums unless I really couldn't find the answer online. Thanks for your help!

  3. Hey there, my name is Mike. I just went skydiving for the first time (a few weeks ago) and was blown away with the amazing experience! I didn't know you guys had this much fun!

    This was my first time skydiving and while a little nervous on the drive to the dropzone, all of my worries drifted away the moment I settled into the airplane. The anxiety was replaced with sheer excitement.
    Falling through the air at 120 miles per hour gave me such an unexplainable feeling. Sure it was a rush but it seemed to clear my thinking.

    I can't stop thinking about skydiving again and really would love to get certified! I'm super new to the community but you guys and gals seem to all be pretty much the same; the friendliest group of people I've ever met!

    I look forward to learning a lot about skydiving and please let me know if you have any questions or comments for me! Nice to meet you!