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Posts posted by dex


    This website along with your votes is going to determine the fate of a cute little rabbit named Chucky. You can vote in one of two ways, for the rabbit lover you can vote to save Chucky. For the less fuzzy animal inclined you can vote for Chucky to be eaten. How do you vote you ask? With cash money, at the end of a 6 month run the section with the most votes determines Chucky's fate. 50% of the profits will be donated to a Open Source group dedicated to strengthening free software and cultivation of the free software community. Send your suggestions for what group deserves the donation to [email protected] please use the subject "Chucky loves open source".


    This website along with your votes is going to determine the fate of a cute little rabbit named Chucky. You can vote in one of two ways, for the rabbit lover you can vote to save Chucky. For the less fuzzy animal inclined you can vote for Chucky to be eaten. How do you vote you ask? With cash money, at the end of a 6 month run the section with the most votes determines Chucky's fate. 50% of the profits will be donated to a Open Source group dedicated to strengthening free software and cultivation of the free software community. Send your suggestions for what group deserves the donation to [email protected] please use the subject "Chucky loves open source".

  3. Quote

    Repeating my comment above...unless you have an AAD. That has the potential to kill you if you hit 750' (give or take) without a fully open parachute just as much as the ground.

    Well if you are at 1250 feet with a cypres and you want to go out on your main remember your cypress does not activate until 1500 so the choice is still yours.

  4. Company is putting me up for a week in the Wyndham on 633 North St. Clair Street. I'll be in chicago from the 13th through the 19th... anyone know any interesting things to do while in chicago... yes I will bring my rig and do some jumps ;)

  5. deploy while on your belly and the back of your hand facing the earth. if you throw it with your palm down you can get caught on the bridal if you try hard....

    the pilot chute will pull the bridal up towards the sky so make sure your arm is not between the sky and the bridal.

    if you are jumping gear with a throw out pilot chute you should have already received practical training on how to throw it if not find someone at your dz who can show you.