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Posts posted by maggy187

  1. shropshire

    *********Punk in a spiral.

    Yep, he's going to end up like Michael Jackson at the rate he's going.

    News quote: "The pilots, despite a pressurized cabin, were forced to wear their oxygen masks during the flight, so that they wouldn’t risk inhaling marijuana and failing any subsequent drug test, which would put their licenses at risk."

    Um, the pressurization has nothing to do with that. It's not like a pressurized cabin repels marijuana smoke...

    I'm thinking once they had their masks on, the pilots should have lowered the cabin pressure.>:(

    Yeap.. this talentless piece of shit needs a vacation in a prison cell with a new 'best friend'.

    I'd imagine that several of his songs would take on a whole new and terrifying meaning after his shredded 250lbs. cell mate whispers them in his ear all night long

  2. I can probably count on two hands the number of minutes that I spent in Tippers (the pub) over my five years at Campbell.

    Granted, it wasn't the nugget, pink lady, or moon's lounge; but it was pretty high up on my "no-go" list.

  3. While out one night in Nashville for a bachelor party, one of the smaller, scrawnier guys from my platoon was bumped into by some massive wall of a man. Mr. Wall offered to replace the spilled drink and my buddy took offense to the peace offering.

    Mr. Wall had an easy 150lbs on my buddy and was atleast six inches taller. Naturally, being the exquisite infantryman that he was, my buddy decides to square off with this guy; so a few of us stepped in with him to see what was going on. This made a table of Mr. Wall's friends (who were all just as massive) curious and they decided to come over and poke their noses into the situation as well.

    The end result was some pushing and shoving, whispering of sweet nothings in each other's ears, all of the bouncers and most of the bar staff being required to drag us out, and atleast one chair thrown at them as we were being ejected from the bar.

  4. It's been a minute since I have been around the G5 line; but if I remember the door sits kind of half infront and half past the engine.

    It's a tiny door though, like maybe 2'x2' give or take a few inches.

    The first time I walked into Gulfstream's flight test hanger, I noticed the door on the G5 thats parked in there... I instantly started wondering if it was jumpable. I'm glad to find that someone has answered my question.

  5. I'll share a few of mine.

    Back in 2008, I had been detachted from my unit and sent down to the south eastern parts of Iraq for a few months. As I was base hopping my way up to Baghdad to link up with my unit, I had passed through a base in Al-Kut and the Eagle's cheerleaders were there on a USO tour.

    A few days later in Baghdad I was told that I had been manifested onto a USO flight direct to my company's patrol base. I was stoked thinking that I would be lounging in the back of a helicopter, doors out, surrounded by cheerleaders for 45 minutes to an hour. I did what any self respecting grunt would have done in that situation; I took a shower, changed my uniform (I had to put on pants without a hole in the crotch,) put on clean socks... I think I even put on deodorant.

    When I climbed into the black hawk there were five or six well dressed men looking at me >:(

    While talking to them before take off, I find out that they were all players for the NY Yankees. No big names, everyone was second string, but still fun to talk to.

    As the bird was spinning up, one of them asked me if I liked baseball. I told him yes; I was talking to him while I was getting my weapon and gear ready for the flight. His next question was asked with kind of a smirk. "Are you a fan of the Yankees?" I looked at him, racked the bolt on my rifle to load a round into the chamber, and then told him "Not really, I'm honestly more of a Boston fan." That guy didn't say a word to me for the next hour.

    Later that year when flying from Dallas to Kuwait City I sat behind Trace Adkins. Nice guy. When I sat behind him he turned around asked me how tall I was. I told him 6'4, he replied with something to the effect of "god damn" and then didn't recline his seat once for the next 24 hours. Considering that he was taller than me, it was a pretty thoughtful gesture.

    Those are my two "brushes with fame;" aside from eating Taco Bell with Brett Michaels, doing shots with Kid Rock, and starting a fight with the Tennessee Titans defensive line.

  6. LuckyMcSwervy

    She definitely did boots last night.

    Attached pic from the Courier-Post.

    Fixed it for you:ph34r:

    All joking aside, it's good to see someone drawing some positive attention to the uniform. I wish her the best of luck.

  7. So, "we go in and get him" does involve breaking a country. Once we break the country, are we expected to fix it as well? Do we leave without fixing the country and create a generation of syrian's that were raised to hate America?

    How many American lives are you ok with sacrificing while trying to arrest assad? Rebuilding?

    He gassed his people. His people may have very well used gas also. If Syrians want to bring charges up. They can arrest him, conduct a trial and carry out the prescribed punishment.

    Geneva relates more to international conflicts, not internal power struggles. We have no ground to stand on for going in after him.

    It's not our fight. Syrians are more than capable of handling Syrian buisness without American influence.

  8. I've been out of the sky for almost a year now and I am back in a position to where I can jump regularly again. I recently moved to Savannah, GA and my job has me working Sat-Mon; so the more local weekend DZs are out of the question.

    Deland sits around 3.5 hours away and with all this free time that I have on my hands it's kind of a no brainer; but I have a few questions.

    1.) What does the weekday crowd look like? I'm not expecting to turn out 20 jumps a day but I'd also like to not have to sit around and wait all day for the load to fill up.

    2.) How are the facilities? I'm probably going to be pitching my tent; so the use of a shower/ bathroom every now and then would be nice.

    3.) How's the area around the DZ? Is there a lot to do when the weather doesn't cooperate?

    4.) How often do they fly the skyvan?:)

    Any other thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated.

  9. I experienced a microburst while I was under canopy last weekend. That was probably the longest three or four minutes of my life.

    There really wasn't a lesson learned because it was a freak occurrence; but the lesson reinforced was to fly my canopy all the way to the ground, even if that means you are only flying four or five cells at a time.

  10. I would hate to be thinking about a piece of sharp, jagged, glass ripping a hole through my main on the ride to altitude next weekend.

    You aren't going to miss the sunset load if you repack it... I promise. ;)

  11. Jump #7, I started really learning to pack after jump 3 or 4. Jump 7 was my first hop and pop, first time spotting with out any help, and first time jumping my own pack job.

    I remember a prayer going through my head as I reached back and grabbed my handle.

  12. I served there for five years. It is a nice post, and the area is great. My only complaint was with the traffic going on post in the mornings, but when I left they were rebuilding the gates to help reduce the problem.

    It's a good area, off post housing is relatively cheap, and Clarksville will have most of what you need.

    Oh yeah, stay away from the Pink Lady....