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Dropzone Reviews posted by Gawain

  1. I am very happy to call Skydive Elsinore my home now. After moving to Southern California, I was blessed by having three dropzones within reasonable driving distance of my house. Elsinore was the first place I went and I haven't really looked back. I got nicely connected here (important because I'm still young in the sport) pretty quickly. The teams and LOs are great. Often, if a team is not training they organize and share a great deal of experience all with the motivation of keeping you flying, and smiling. I'm pretty much 100% RW, but love a good hybrid jump. The freeflyers are always grinning ear to ear. I've yet to encounter any "skygods" beating their chests; everyone is there to fly, have fun, be safe and share experience. The events they schedule are worth every investment required. My weekends there are so much fun, it makes my Mondays in "reality" all that more difficult to bear. If you're looking for a place to call home, regardless of experience, Skydive Elsinore is it. Blue Skies!

  2. Joe and Blake (owner and manager respectively) have a great place to call "home". The PacNW is beautiful to begin with. The drop zone let's you see it all and gives you plenty of room to take it all in. The up-jumpers and staff are very friendly. The egos are left elsewhere. The facilities are very good. The planes are in top-notch condition, always ready to go.

  3. Skydive Alabama is a great dropzone! It feels smaller than it is -- they have a fast King Air, a C-182, plenty of facilities, the Airport and surrounding community likes the's a "smalltown" feeling. Not that Cullman is a metropolis mind you. It's just that it is fairly easy to get comfortable and acquainted with everything but they have some of the same things that "larger" DZs have. The landing areas are large -- plenty of space for high-performance and regular landings.
    Boy do they like to fly their King Air...and fly it high they do!! My last trip there, I had to re-check my altimeter because it felt like we'd been flying for a while in freefall...well lifts to 13.5+ aren't out of the norm at all. You'll notice it! ;-)

    Now, I don't drink, but when I owe beer, I pay beer. If you expect to owe beer for anything while traveling there, you should consider bringing it from home, several of the counties surrounding this area are dry.

    Everything else is just plain neat. At the end of the day of jumping, the vibe is nice, there's no attitude.

    Head on down there and enjoy!