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Posts posted by USPA

  1. A little late reaction, but we at, made this switch to (We came from JumpRun5!). Migrated all our customer's and are very pleased with the result after one season of full use. (We run a 2 Grand Caravan operation (actually 1 grand caravan and 1 super caravan))

    We are currently setting up the online reservation system which comes the DZ-Manager.

    Our staff has fallen in love with the software and training time for new staf is reduced enormously. Also the support has been more then excellent.

    If you (or any1 else) want to know how we did the conversion and why we chose DZ-Manager, over the other options suggested, hit me up.
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  2. Bei Angriff unter Wasser gedrueckt, Wasserbomben. Letzter Gegnerstandort
    08:30 Uhr, Marqu AJ 9863, 220 Grad, 8 Seemeilen, stosse nach. 14 Millibar
    faellt, NNO 4, Sicht 10.
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  3. We highly disagree. If an AAD fires when I'm head down, my AAD has just killed me. When my AAD fires when I'm doing FS and someone (e.g. the cameraguy) is above the formation, I just killed someone else (and highly unlikely that I will survive myself. If I'm exiting and my AAD fires, I just killed everyone in the plane.
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  4. Quote

    We are told to "set & forget" our AAD's at the beginning of each jumping day. The above presumes that of course too, you are not necessarily checking your AAD prior to each and every jump. And in actual practice and reality - how many of us actually are?

    Well "the set and forget" is as far as I know only applicable for the cypres. In the case of Argus this is not the case. It's simply a question of RTFM. Argus has always made it very clear that they want you to check the display before every jump. (This has also always been in the manual).

    So I hope every Argus user has done that in the past also.... (But through, it reminds me of skydivers which use a Swift 5 reserve and don't know not to release the steering brakes before the slider has come down.)
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  5. Quote

    if it does fire and does nothing but lock my reserve in place, and in those last 4.5 seconds of my life, i'd be VERY pissed.


    now, fast forward to today, and if you're jumping an argus, you gotta make darn sure to call your rigger right away just for the chance of getting one of the new cutters.

    I couldn't care less if my container is locked or not 3.5 - 4.0 seconds before impact, I'm dead anyway.

    Secondly, you're implying there is a major shortage in replacement cutters, how did you get that information, since Aviacom themselves state there are enough cutters available?
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  6. I spoke to William about this bulletin a few days ago, he assured me there would be enough cutters and that they would be replaced free of charge.
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  7. "Dude", calm down.

    I too do not approve of the way Argus dealt with this issue. In fact I'm deeply dissapointed. But other AADs have dissapointed me also how they dealt with issues.

    Now, unless I've missed something, no-one has had an incident with a locked container, after a ripcord pull.

    Not saying it can't happen, but it didn't happen and Aviacom finally woke up and now demands all the cutters to be replaced.

    Although a cutter with a "soft" knive is something that should be addressed with way more action then Aviacom did, the "locked container" scenario has never been an issue for me for my personal use. (And not only because my cutter is on the bottom)

    For the "locked container issue" to be dangerous for me, (assuming I would jump e.g. a Micron) I somehow didn't do anything, while being going through my harddeck, then waited some time more, then aprox. 4,5 seconds before impact, my AAD would fire, after which I decide to finally do something. I just don't see that happening... If I finally do something after doing nothing all that time, I would have been screwed anyway, because I wouldn't have enough time to get past line stretch. But then again, how unlikely it then I suddenly wake up below 800 feet and suddenly start doing something sensible?

    This doesn't change the fact that the cutter should be replaced, because I like to have a higher certainty that the cutter works if needed. But I rather maken 1000 jumps without an AAD, or an AAD that *might* not open my reserve, then make a single jump with an AAD that activates my reserve when I don't want too.

    Through Karel is the worst communicator I have ever seen in my life, and if Aviacom would go belly up, he certainly did his part, but I too, am confused about the emotions and lack of rational thinking surrounding Argus/Aviacom. But I've been confused since they started (Argus has in at least The Netherlands been blamed for world hunger even since before they had a product on the market). (Although it does involve alot of "ego's" in which Karel's behaviour isn't helpfull)
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  8. You mean the GIRL from Poland, which started the recall (and the discovery of "soft" knives)?

    And have you even read the San Marcos report?
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  9. Looks like someone is placing private emails on the PIA website.

    (As far as I know Jo and Karel hate each other guts... )

    Edit: Apparently the email was posted with Karel his consent.
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  10. Quote

    nowadays, the Argus lets you jump with a partially severed closing loop WITHOUT knowing it.

    Not true Argus specically tells you to check the display before every jump. Always has, always will. The display would indicate a fire. Or ate there now also people imaging Argus to fail displaying an activation?
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  11. Quote

    If they really had confidence that their product would work they easily could have have sent a bunch of cutter to random riggers and said here ya go. make them fail.

    I know they offered several rigger exactly that option.
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  12. Quote

    the Dutch Parachute Association

    In the case of the KNVvL, rest assured that personal beef with Aviacom is a BIG factor. (A number of rules were invented specifically for Argus at introduction and have only been applied to Aviacom, not to any other AAD before and after).

    At least from a Dutch perspective Aviacoms response, althoudh not helpfull is very natural, since they (at least in The Netherlands, and some other European countries) have been fighting "personal vendatas en politics".
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  13. yeah, so it seems... :(.

    It looks like a general youtube problem if I google it... :S
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  14. Hi fellow skydivers,

    I need some help raising the number of views on a youtube video. This is for a (work related) competition. I need as much people as possible to view (part of) this video. Clicks and help in gathering more views is much appreciated!

    Blue Skies!
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  15. would have, could have, should have...

    Fact remained she didn't pull, the AAD did not interfere with her ability to pull, the rest is up to debate.

    She killed herself.
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  16. Bill, I'm used to read better comments from you.

    In the polish incident, the girl in question didn't pull her ripcords, not questions about that, she killed herself.

    Furthermore, the rest has been debated ad nauseum, we strongly disagree.
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  17. Quote

    USPA and dragon2 bring up something may have happened before they started jumping

    You should really stop making assumptions. I was very much already jumping when the referenced incident occured.

    The incident is very much relevant, since this and all the other "incidents" set a trend, about misleding communication. This is just an incident in which I was actually there myself. I've heared countless more incidents, but these are at other Dropzones where I wasn't around, so I tend to just register those as "Oh, again a similar story".

    Because in those days there weren't any (serious) competitors (although we had people jumping FXC 12000 and Astra also), and we didn't had the internet, this trend is not so obvious. The certain "trustworthy" mythical reputation of some manufactorers isn't correct IMHO.

    IMHO I'm not saying Cypres is a bad product, it's just that based on my experiences with Airtec (also reports of fattalities of friends), I have serious trust issues with them.
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

  18. In the Netherlands, at the National Skydiving Centre, in the late '90's.
    The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...