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Dropzone Reviews posted by japie67

  1. A 20-minute drive north along the R27, or West Coast road as it's more commonly known, is all it takes for you to be whisked from the Cape Town city centre to a drop zone that boasts one of the best views in the world from altitude.

    To the south, the Mother City lies sandwiched between towering Table Mountain and bustling Table Bay harbour. Further to the south and to the far side of the mountain from where you are, lies False Bay, Hout Bay and the splendour of the South Peninsula as far as Cape Point. Due west, you will spot Robben Island - Cape Town's own Alcatraz - and the beautiful Cape West Coast, as famous for its icy seawater as its mouthwatering crayfish. To the north, the Langebaan lagoon , a great windsurfing venue.