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Posts posted by ferrisssavior

  1. Quote


    Also it would be fun visiting that place where open-carry nuts crowd gets together while carrying a nice bazooka. Maybe some of them would immediately get an idea that just maybe open carry is not really a good idea.

    So you have a fantasy of blowing up a bunch of gun carry folks with a bazooka?

    That's just unintelligent.

    So what if someone wants to open carry, if it is in their lawful capacity to do so that is.

    By limiting the supply of legally owned guns, you reduce and possible remove the ability to defend oneself from criminals, who will get guns anyway. And if they can't get guns they will resort to other methods of carrying out their plans. Take for example the amount of violent crimes in the UK. You can't buy a gun in the UK, and their "violent" crimes per capita is higher than the United States.

    I say "violent" because obviously there are different definitions of violent and different acts may be considered violent in one country and in the other, not.

    Read this, sure it uses old data, but its worth it.


    I'm actually taking a look right now; and in the whole state a Florida, which was the first, widely publicized, shall issue state, has a lower violent crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants by more than half of that of the District of Columbia.

    Florida has a rate of 688.8 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants and the District of Columbia has a rate of 1,437.7 per 100,000 inhabitants.

    That's weird that Florida's violent crime rate is less than half of that of DC's and.. oh man, isn't this a coincidence, the District of Columbia will not issue a concealed carry permit.

    I mean, almost all of us crazies down in Florida are allowed to own, and.. dare I say it.. carry guns, when legal to do so, and we aren't shooting each other in the faces left and right.

    It's because when someone is armed and is legally concealed carrying that weapon they are more responsible.


  2. You are not required, at least in the state of Florida, to retreat from somewhere you are legally entitled to be if threatened.

    There's no "minimum damage" level in fights. You fight until there's no response/no threat. I don't mean no response as in knocking someone out. If the other person runs away, then that is considered no response.

    Once there's no response, there is no threat.

    Basically if some guy jumps me, and I fight back and knock him silly, and he runs, and I chase and beat the hell out of him, I would get in trouble. He tried to get away and defuse the situation while I escalated it even though he had just tried to jump me.

  3. Exactly.

    No one is the same. If the rider if mature enough, he could ride a Harley with a 1600cc engine the first day. It all depends on the maturity of the rider and his willingness and ability to limit himself.

    I ride a Suzuki SV650S.

  4. Yeah I usually pack my lunches haha.

    So, I called one of the closest dropzones and they aren't hiring. Unfortunately closest is about a 45 minutes away.

    It would be pretty sweet to work at a drop zone now that I think about it.

    Anyone know of any Palm Beach County, FL dropzones?

  5. That sounds like a great idea.

    The closest DZ's are roughly an hour away so it's a possibility for weekend work.

    I'm going to call today and ask.

    Thanks guys. I hope this summer I'll be able to find a decent job with good hours so I can at least take the course.

  6. Hey all, I'm new to the forums and not even new to the sport, yet.

    I'm toying with the idea of doing the AFF course but unfortunately it probably will be a while until I can do that.

    I'm only 18, in high school, playing a sport, with no job. Doh.

    So it'll probably have to wait. Ive been toying with the idea for a while now, maybe a year. Decided to hop on the forums and just lurk and maybe ask questions. The main problem with this sport, for me, is the fact that it's pretty expensive. I should be able to take a course this summer possibly, because I plan on working.

    But yeah, just wanted to say hi. You'll see me lurking.