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Posts posted by sbhesq

  1. Program Compatibility Publisher details

    Issues found
    Incompatible ApplicationIncompatible Application
    VegasMovieStudioPE110 is incompatible. Detected
    Fix application VegasMovieStudioPE110 Completed

    Issues found Detection details

    Incompatible Application Detected

    VegasMovieStudioPE110 is incompatible.
    Fix application VegasMovieStudioPE110 Completed

    Provides steps to fix the incompatible application.

    User Verification of Solution

    Detection details

    Collection information
    Computer Name: STEVE-PC
    Windows Version: 6.1
    Architecture: amd64
    Time: Sunday, April 28, 2013 11:40:54 AM

    Publisher details

    Program Compatibility
    Make older programs run in this version of Windows.
    Package Version: 1.5
    Publisher: Microsoft Windows
    Program Compatibility
    Make older programs run in this version of Windows.
    Package Version: 1.0
    Publisher: Microsoft Corporation

  2. I was using Platinum 11 last season and it worked fine. I shut down my computer for the winter and when I turned it on this season it will not load at all. I click to start the program and nothing happens. Architects works fine. When I try and use the troublshoot feature it tells me:

    VegasMovieStudioPE110 is incompatible.

    I uninstalled and reinstalled the program and it still does not work.

    I reinstalled my Pro 10 and that worked fine which would be alright except all of my templates are in Platinum and are newer.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  3. I was in the loading area yesterday and noticed a guy with rental gear on and a contour on his helmet. I asked how many jumps he had and he replied 14 and this was his first solo. I told him that I thought it was probably a bad idea to jump with the camera to which he replied...yup, you guessed it ..."I am just going to turn it on in the plane and I won't even know that it is there during the jump".

    Then I told him that if he wanted to get on the plane he was going to have to take it off...

  4. So, I finally broke down and upgraded to Pro 10 and I also purchased Production Assistant. I have been editing with Vegas Platinum for the past year and a half so I am pretty familiar with how everything works. However, after watching the tutorials (great job by the way DSE!) I just can't seem to figure out how this is going to speed anything up for me.

    I was under the impression that there was some way to have PA automatically import the files from my card, drop them into the template where I could make a few tweaks and then have it burn the dvd.

    I am quite certain that I am missing something, but would be really grateful for advice on how people are using PA.

    I do my own editing and average @10 - 15 jumps/day. We try and give the customer the dvd before they leave, but will mail them if we have to.



  5. I am currently using Platinum 9 and was considering purchasing Pro 10/Production Assistant. However, it seems that Platinum 11 now lets you burn straight to DVD without having to use Architect which would save a bunch of time. Is anyone using 11 and, if so, is that the case?



  6. DSE, Thanks for the reply. I am definitely not using a pirated version and I do have dvda installed. I will check to see that I have the latest version of Quicktime installed, but the vid is playing with sound on the version I currently have. I have edited many vids on here from my cx100 without any problems, but, this time I am using a friend's Contour.


  7. I imported video/audio from a Contour camera for a friend. The files are saved as .mov. When I import the files into Vegas Platinum 9 the audio seems to be getting dropped. There is sound when I play the files directly in quicktime. Any suggestions/advice on why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.


  8. So my editing board finally died this weekend and it looks like it will be computer full time now. I am not very tech savy and had a buddy of mine put together the package below. I was just looking for some input as to whether this setup is appropriate for putting out tandem vids in @10mins. I will be using Vegas Platinum to start and will be getting Pro 9 and Production Assistant in the near future.



    PROCESSOR & GRAPHICS CARD AMD Phenom™ II X6 1055T + ATI Radeon HD 5670 1GB edit
    OPERATING SYSTEM Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64Bit, English
    MEMORY 8GB Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1333MHz - 4 DIMMs
    HARD DRIVE 1.5 TB Performance RAID 0 (2 x 750GB SATA 3Gb/s 7200 RPM HDDs)
    MONITOR 20.0" Dell ST2010-BLK HD Monitor with VGA cable
    SOUND CARD THX® TruStudio PC™

  9. I know it has been asked before ... but I can't find the answer...My pc1000 is giving me a reinsert cassette error fairly often now and I would like to send it in to be repaired. Does anybody have any suggestions as to where is the best place to send it?



  10. Thank You DSE,

    The media was recorded on a cx-100 and it is mpeg-2. Hopefully that is helpful. When I right click on the timeline there is no mention of audio anywhere. Also, there is no audio track created when I drag the media onto the timeline. I have tried it with several clips all with the same result.


  11. I am using Vegas 8 which I upgraded to from 4.
    I cannot figure out how to get the video to a DVD.
    All the book talks about is CD and Blu Ray.
    I am sure that I am missing something easy ....
    Any help is appreciated.

  12. After I finish I click make movie, send to dvd and then the when "make movie" is completed I send to dvd architecht. For some reason the video is appearing but not the audio. This has never happened before but I have not used this in a long time.

    Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


    I am using Vegas 4.0