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Posts posted by smiles

  1. “the best existential analysis of the human condition leads directly into the problems of God and faith”
    Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death
    eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

  2. Diabetic type 1 diagnosed at 9 yrs. of age and have been injecting insulin daily for 52 yrs. Logged 2,880 jumps. Skydiving concerns? Always have food to eat, check blood sugars before making a jump and make time for eating if low, carry glucose tabs in your jumpsuit pocket, make sure dz owners & staff are aware of your diabetes. I cannot expand on any negative issue regarding type 1 diabetes and skydiving-:P

    eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

  3. 26 yrs. with my partner in life when he started reading JW bible, started studying with JW's and he did eventually get baptised JW. As we were common law he wanted to get married in the JW hall, and then we could serve Jehovah together. re: "well yolked."
    I had so many questions about his organization he could not answer re: you do not question anything about the organization because it is god's organization on earth, you do not dare question god's organization. I spent 2 years trying to understand JW teaching before leaving him. He had changed so much it terrified me...he could no longer reason, he could no longer share how he felt,...always was what he had been taught. I could not take being witnessed to....I was not raised with religion, have always followed my instinct- :P

    eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

  4. ya!
    from canada and will drink tim horton's but my fav coffee has gotta be columbia supremo from extremely high quality, hard bodied bean that has a heavier, winey overtone than lesser grades of colombian beans.
    eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

  5. hey!....

    i have suffered with Crohn's disease for 35 yrs., the last 5 yrs. have permanent colostomy.

    Have had no problem with my stoma & skydiving.
    ya just gotta luv that!!! :PB|:P

    eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

  6. Quote

    I brought some cookies to the dropzone, and after explaining what all was in the cookies, I was asked specifically if there was pot in them. I made sure to label my batches very well, and didn't bring the "laced" cookies to the DZ with me until after last load. Mmm, double-stuf oreos baked into chocolate chip cookie dough with a marshmellow baked into the top... with weed... MMMmmm.


    my gadddz! I am licenced by my government to be treated with oral medical weed capsules. So many healthy benefits like anti-inflamatory, weight gain, no nausea or diareah, treat pain, stress.:P

    Eating a weed cookie "laced" will not have any serious after effects compared to other drugs-
    People deserve respect and it's only decent to be responsible enough to make people aware before they eat laced food.

    Also like to bake cookies with the liquid medical drug. Re: eating for the personal medical benefits, not to get high.

    eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

  7. My MP also responded the same day with:


    As you probably know, at present, there is no legal requirement for parachute operators to use certified equipment, training methods, or instructors, as no standards for these are established under the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs).

    The proposed NPA simply recognizes the expertise and proposed mandatory safety procedures developed by the Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA).

    At this time, adherence to the CSPA's basic safety rules and recommendations is voluntary.

    NPA 99-148 presents the first opportunity for compulsory student parachutist training to be conducted in accordance with standards, procedures and technical recommendations established by a parachuting organization that has been recognized by the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

    It also addresses the concerns of Canada's provincial and territorial coroners and medical examiners regarding safety deficiencies related to the self-regulation of parachuting.

    At their recent annual conference, these medical professionals voted unanimously to support the proposed amendment to the regulations and to participate in the Sport Parachute Advisory Committee.

    Thank you again for sharing your concerns with me. I will continue to stay abreast of this issue.

    Ed Fast, M.P.

    Ottawa Office
    Rm 754 Confed. Bldg.
    Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A6
    Tel. 613-995-0183
    Fax 613-996-9795
    Email: [email protected]

    I replied back asking him for information regarding the recent annual conference that the unaminous vote was made -re: date and location -as all I could find searching online was a "international conference." I also contacted Chief Coroners office in B.C. requesting the same info. (date and location)

    In the published Gazette it states Summer 2007.
    So- now waiting for replies- re: was this a "international conference of coroners and medical examiners??????


    Re: quote from cspa chat

    We don't actually know that the coroners and medical examiners voted unamimously on ANYTHING to do with skydiving at their last International conference in June, we only have hearsay from a politician saying that they did. Not a great source when it comes right down to it.
    While there are reference to various techiniqes involving processing bodies and death scene information, and one specific discussion about SIDS, I cannot find any agendas or motions in any minutes that *I* can find that say anything about skydiving. I'm sure it would have to.

    This is why I figured we should pin the bugger down a bit more and see if he squirms.

    Besides, I cannot imagine why a conference involving representatives from multiple counties and juristictions could even be taking a vote on something that involves a single country... unless, like I said before, as a group they are going to stuff this up USPA's ass as well.


  8. Quote

    There was more than one individual at the meeting. The whole committee for NPA 99-148 which I was one of the original people had the individuals at the meeting.

    Re: Are you suggesting you attended the meeting I refered to??

    A Parachute Training Risk Assessment Committee was assembled at the request of Manzur Huq – Director, General Aviation (Transport Canada) regarding NPA 99-148 were directed to review NPA 99-148 and determine if it addressed the risks in skydiving, and identify residual risks attributed to the NPA. This committee consisted of the following representatives.

    Rick McFarlane
    Transport Canada – System Safety
    Wayne Harper
    Transport Canada – Special Flight Operations
    David Dixon
    Pacific Region – Technical Input
    Ian Flanagan
    Canadian Sport Parachute Association
    Gerry Harper
    Canadian Associates of Professional Skydivers
    Dr. Graeme Dowling
    Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Alberta
    Al McGee
    Department of National Defense
    Tony Pleasants
    Transportation Safety Board

    The above panel of experts extensively reviewed the proposed NPA and specifically agreed and recommended against enacting this regulation.

    They proposed a “Non-Regulatory solution with an Education Program and Advisory body”.

    Their investigation showed that this form of regulation will provide little to no benefit in safety to participants or to the general public.

    The reasons for this determination are that Transport Canada lacks sufficient knowledge of the skydiving industry to properly understand and enforce its rules and standards.


  9. Quote

    The CSPA vs CAPS bullshit is exactly why the feds are getting involved.

    It's a shame, really.


    Could you reply with your knowledge regarding CSPA vs CAPs bullshit /why the feds are getting involved?

    Are you suggesting that the sole reason for fatalities is due a CAPs operated dz or the actual operators?

    I do not understand your reasoning as CSPA operated dz's also have fatalities, There is more than 1 CAPs operated dz in Canada. If one dz has fatalities regarding training first jump students does that mean all CAPs dz's are having fatalities due to them being CAPs operated?

    I am aware a CAPs dz Skydive Ranch in Calgary, Canada -was training high number of students (over 60,000- largest trainer of 1st. jump students in the country) had fatalities leading to Coroners Inquest/ Criminal Court. CSPA dz's have also had fatalities that have no where near the number of first jump students trained.

    Skydive Vancouver is a CAPs operated dz in BC for over 10 years and they separated from CSPA due to the fact CSPA at the time was not against government regulation. Do you feel that due to being CAPs operated that this dz is causing feds to be getting involved?

    DZ operator Gerald Harper (Skydive Vancouver) was present at the Parachute Training Risk Assessment Committee at the request of Manzur Huq – Director, General Aviation (Transport Canada) regarding NPA 99-148, and and recommended against enacting this regulation.

    I understand the procedure in the case of violent accidental death is the same in every province in Canada. Also that CSPA dz's have also had fatalities leading to Coroners Inquest/ Criminal Court.

    The Medical Examiner can refer file to the Chief Medical Examiner/ call an inquest (fact finding courtroom held in front of Provincial Court Judge)
    The presiding judge at the inquest has responsibility to: #1 sift the evidence presented to his court and make final statement of the FACTS that aggregated, define the death. #2 to make constructive suggestions to relevant agencies if he feels that he sees something that might prevent similar deaths.

    No part of the inquest process is allowed to be a means for anyone to voice opinion regarding the death, or to determine culpability with respect to the death. He is not suppose to make any recommendations that could be read as undermining the authority of any governing body (TC, CSPA, CAPs) That is the responsibility of the press, police, and if there is enough probable cause- a criminal court.


  10. quote from cspa chat

    Good Day Fellow Skydivers,

    Regulation is on our door step, the NPA 99 148 will be printed in Gazette
    On Saturday March 15th 2008. This proposed regulation will likely change
    Skydiving as we know it in Canada. If this proposed regulation passes
    Skydiving will be regulation by Transport Canada who has absolutely no
    expertise in Skydiving. Just ask the operator of your center what impact
    this regulation will have on their operation.

    Once the regulation is published, we will have at least 30 days and possible
    60 day to object to the proposed regulation. Unfortunately, Transport
    Canada will not provide us with the wording of the NPA in advance, so we can
    not formulate the wording of our objection until the Gazette is published.
    Once the Government has an opportunity to review the objections they can
    chose to stop the proposed regulation, amend the proposed regulation or
    Publish it in Gazette Two making it law. So you can see how important it is
    that we react to this immediately.

    It is very important that we all object to this regulation to protect our
    sport. Once we know what the wording is, our Lawyer will draft a letter on
    behalf of our members. The office will print up two letters for each
    member; one objecting to the proposed regulation and one to your MP asking
    for their support. These letters will be sent to each active member along
    with two addressed stamped envelopes. All you will have to do is sign both
    letters, put them in the envelopes and drop them in the mail. We will post
    a copy of both letters on the CSPA web site so that you can down load
    electronic copies, you should try and get everyone you know to send in
    these letters of objection. This is very very important, DO NOT RELY ON

    This is our opportunity to stop this proposed regulation so get involved.


    Tim Grech


  11. sigur rós hail from iceland, and rightly claim to bring you the beautiful landscape of their homeland with their music.
    political activists?...gut wrenching message..

    ...this music video shows a post-apocalyptic world in which children, attending school, get ready to go outside and play in the nuclear snow. The children, after putting on many layers of clothes as well as ominous gas-masks, go outside to play. The play of the children is characterized by fun, and destruction of the old world from which they came. The final scene shows a little girl breaking her gas mask and dying in the nuclear snow, finally seeing the world for its true beauty outside of the glass confines the children have been forced to use.
    today sigur rós has taken over the front page of youtube for the day. the band will take over all twelve slots on the sites home page and the centrepiece of this will be “heima” in full. this is the first time a full-length music documentary is available to view on youtube.

    other clips i luv...


  12. #1 reason where i come from has been relationships/marriage/family.

    i just got a call from skydiving buddy who met his gal (pilot)- brought her out for all of us to meet and enjoyed her company- she seems totally cool about the sport around us & him

    then she started dropping him off to skydive while she went elsewhere and then picked him up "at the gate"
    re: wouldn't even park in the parking lot.....

    then- he tells us all she gets too worried when he is skydiving= then we don't see him anymore....

    now he is sending out wedding invites....
    When I ask why he is mailing them- why not come to the dz and hand em out?? Reply: too busy-

    i have only logged over 1300 jumps in 20 yrs.-
    but enjoyed the hell outa every one....
    now the boyz are raised and it's empty nesting time-
    at last there is balance in my life to actually log skydives.


    eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.