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Posts posted by ScoobieDoo

  1. There was a team person who said if your "top" was properly snug down you can take a line and run across the back of you rig and NOT snag the top. If it snags it is to loose/high.
    I'm sure hope they confirm what I'm saying to confirm I said it correct.
    I jump a non-pop top, less worry.
    Have fun and be safe!

  2. I remember jumping a DC5, was thinking of buying it as I was looking for my first canopy. Test jumped it and after it opened I found it broke a line! It landed fine for me even then but didn't want to hassle with a reline so I moved onto another canopy. It had hugh cells!

  3. there is a CReW camp for pups at CSC (Chicagoland skydive Center 800-404-jump) Rochelle, IL on July 27,28 and 29th(this weekend!). There will be a class taught by Razz on Fri eve and jumping on Sat and Sun
    $25 for class and $20 for weekend canopy rental. This was the class that got canceled at your DZ awhile ago.
    Come on down here and join us!
    Call manifest and sign up if you are coming, That way they will try to get a canopy for you, it's a bit late. You are welcome to come and hope to borrow a canopy for the weekend if you dont sign up.

    We currently have 2 CReW dawgs that jump here almost every weekend and hoping after this class to get more to follow. We take up anybody that wants to try it. Come on over this weekend and touch some nylon!

  4. I asked "Rusty Vest" this question, Can you take lightning to terminal with a d-bag and fabric slider(normal style). His response was he test jumped a lot for PD and it can be done BUT recommends DO NOT! It just beats your body up so much and is not worth it unless you are getting paid big bucks to do it.
    I think the design to open fast and to reinflate fast would cause you to get beat up at terminal after a few times. That's not to mention the extreme wear and tear on the canopy as it's design was for sub-terminal openings. Not worth beating yourself up or the $2K canopy.
    So even with a d-bag and normal slider it is NOT a good idea to deploy at terminal!

  5. first, it's the AFF main side forgetting-not thinking about that snag/bridle issue not the student
    Second, the student did pay for a REAL video person, otherwise we wouldn't have this picture, im sure he also got video and not just stills. That would be so cool to see. How did they get out of that mess or did it solve itself?

  6. after registration I received payment notice and "tickets". Do I need to print these and bring them or will you be able to look them up on a list you have at the event? I hate wasting paper and ink just to find out you already have the info.
    See you guys soon

  7. Bi-plane is when you are slid down the lines to the bottom person risers. This causes your chutes to look like the old "bi-planes" wings.
    There is going to be a CRW camp in Eastern Michigan (Midwest Skydive)in mid AUG., it dosen't look too far from your area. You can learn a lot from a GREAT teacher/instructor Mr. Razz!

    See 4th thread below this one for more info.

  8. hey skyjump, I'm trying to get a few CRW jumps in at CSC DZ (Rochelle, IL.)during summerfest days, July 23-31(closed 25 &26).
    How about that drive?
    Free Camping grounds, RV slots (not sure cost per day)Weekends Parties, Turbine Aircraft(Pac and/or Otter)$24 or 11 jumps for 10 paid jumps or 28 jumps for 25 paid jumps.
    That way you are warmed up for the warm ups

  9. according to cato post 3/10, the brakes release if you don't get to them before opening shock. They use these to release brakes and steer their opening canopy to perfect on heading.
    The question would really be what kind of mal is it? Bag lock prob. won't release brakes? would line twist, meaning you missed releasing both brakes before canopy line twisted.
    Would these(prob but gonna ask) brakes system release on a baglock cut-away (meaning they didn't release during the baglock and I just pulled silver)? I know some crewdogs still use bags and not tail pockets so thats the question I have.

  10. Cool! I can still keep my tic for coming out to Lodi and jumping. :P

    I'll put in vacation time at work NOW so I know I can make it. Hope nobody wraps meB|

    It's not I was the only one who spoke up either, i just was the first,OPPS.

  11. First and last post for me here, Others can take up the posting from than.
    An injury was said cause that means giving time to help field the best at their best for the best comp. not moving for convenience of a team.
    the reason reimburstment was said cause it sounded like you wanted a tally of what this move would incur to others, is there a limit before you say forget it. I said plane and lodging cause thats all that would be different, food and other things wouldn't change as the amount of days stay the same. Extra fees to make changes do add up. The other thing would be time off work which some people are locked in already.
    As for China? Any other country should come after the one you live in, earn a living and play in most of the time. Remember, Nationals may drop it if WE can't keep enough people coming to this. Keep this in mind.

  12. I live by and JUMP at Skydive Chicago where the meet is. So to answer your question did I make reservations already, don't need to as I will drive there from home everyday I would go to them. For once an event is close to me. I would love to jump with you also if it works out. As for the last part you mention to see who loses out financially, If others can put a cost on it will it be covered(paid for) otherwise why bother asking what the cost are? Sorry they just uped and moved the dates on you in 99, but you know it feels so why do you want to do it to others? Yes, I understand you really want to go and not miss the China thing but again what is at steak here is the future and you know that too. I think the backlash is stronger on the idea of you(both teams)having a say of moving it for CHINA, now if it was for medical reasons for time to recover from something that I think people would understand more but CHINA! That's just hard to agree with for some.

  13. Here's another COMMENT. You don't have to respond but others will. I don't count cause I have no team(YET), I know I'm not good nuff for it(YET) and can admit to it. Now what about those of us who wanted to go and watch, we don't count cause we're not a team. WOW that sucks, I thought we had the Nationals so everybody can enjoy watching and learning this stuff. Now I know it's only for teams cause they are the only ones that matter! Not that anybody travels and has to book planes/motels/lodging to this event just to watch and admire the sport. Wonder if all the Nascar fans left if they will still have races? Hmmm, maybe a boycot is needed, maybe sponsors would agree that it only matters to comp. and not to the rest of the jumpers/watchers and not have any worries about it. Who knows, what I do know is that some jumpers who don't get nuff attention just quit and there goes the future of it all. slippery slope your making with this. You also know how bad this situation is and still insist on having it your way?
    Nice way of thinking. Yeah you might have help this sport for 20+ years but thats dosen't mean it's your time to take back cause thats never the case in skydiving. It's always a give sport.

  14. I just got a comment cause I'm no skygod/dog. Sounds like your saying that going to China has some great importance on crw and will affect us greatly back here in AMERICA. So we should let them tell us when we should have OUR "AIRSHOW" so you can play at both places. If YOU really think that it matters so much that you particpate in the "Nationals" as to it might affect CRW in the future "Nationals" then maybe you should decide what is more important and maybe express that to China and have them move their dates for you instead.

  15. Just think, 50way out of 2 king air is still impressive.
    19000 first loads both planes, then the lead plane dives as the trailing plane lets off the last few giving the lead nuff time to edge down and reload, it takes off as the the trailing one reloads and they are both off to drop again, hopefully in formation. Seems like it would work. any takers?