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Posts posted by LUVZJUMPIN

  1. :(please help! I was able to get my picture sized correctly, but I don't know where to upload it on the edit profile page. Is there a spot to upload it from my computer? Or, do I have to paste a link in the (edit profile; user profile) section under (forum settings) in the box that reads Max Size:4 lines, 200 characters????? like [IMG][/IMG]????

    Please help I'm FR(forum retarded). THANKS!B|B|B|B|

  2. Hey everyone!
    In early April, A good friend asked if I wanted to get certified as a skydiver. All I could say is hell yes. On the 12th we headed to Skydive Orange for the AFF course and I will never be the same. We ended up doing tandems after getting some advice. I loved the jump and was asking questions about course before we even got to the ground. Two weeks later I started AFF and am glad I did. I
    I got my A License 2 weeks ago. I’m so lucky A license 55555. Yep, 5 digits of 5s. Sorry about the ranting, I get a little carried away.
    Anyhow, I just wanted to say hi to everyone out there. It’s a pleasure to get involved in such a good sport with even better people. Thanks Brian