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Posts posted by hurrikanej

  1. seems to me the packer should have taken that extra 10 seconds to run up the brake lines after laying the chute down to cocoon. i have noticed plenty of times when the brake lines have gotten wrapped into the steering lines during the flaking and lay out, but this is not something a tandem parachute should ever be cutaway for especially when it is 100% avoidable with this quick step. hope you find the freebag, yet another advantage to the skyhook!
    Most call me honest; some call me an asshole; I guess the truth isn't for everyone!

  2. " I tell the student that it is their skydive and I am there to assist them through it"

    that is a fantastic statement as well as a great way to view each new customer. with only a few dozen tandems under my belt, I can already see myself slipping into "actor" mode when confronted with students, this statement helps me to keep in mind that each student is a unique experience not just a potential risk if I do not do my job to the best of my ability. I really want to have my students involved in as much as possible on the skydive (without surrendering control), but i have noticed some just want to be completely taken care of. I think it is an on going challenge to try and make each student's experience as equally thrilling no matter how much participation they are willing to give, and it is a challenge I will gladly undertake!
    Most call me honest; some call me an asshole; I guess the truth isn't for everyone!