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Dropzone Reviews posted by andybr6

  1. I have just returned from a trip to Empuria and I cannot recomend it enough. I went out there to get some coaching with a view to getting a half decent sitfly position and left with FF1; Babylon are that good! The staff at Babylon are extremely helpful and friendly, they won't just take your money and get the coach jumps out of the way in a couple of days, but rather they are genuinley interested in seeing you progress.

    I was warned about the landing area and the winds but I never experienced a problem. If you are not happy with the jump limitations they put up just ask at manifest for the wind speed. The landing area is dead easy to land on so long as you don't try and land right next to the crossing point on the runway. There are no jumpmasters but normally someone takes on the role, if in doubt just ask, there were nearly always instuctors/coaches on my loads and they are more than happy to help.

    Overall I would highly recomend this DZ to everyone of all experience levels. I have already planned my next trip there.