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Posts posted by jayrech

  1. Why is this a big deal? It's my own canopy, if I feel like throwing a full RDS on my canopy, I am entitled to do so, now back to the original post, do you manufacture or know of any one who manufactures a full RDS system for a Katana 170.
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  2. I don't fly a velo or a cross brace because I'm still learning on a Katana 170. I'd like to get the most I can out of the canopy and start getting my self accustom to the added complexities that having a full RDS introduces. Instead of getting onto a wonderfully loaded canopy and trying to sort shit out.
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  3. They sound bulky, but hockey pants are going along the ways of having a tighter under garment that has all the padding you'd like, ass padding and so on that one can fit comfortably under a pair of swoop shorts. Personally I'm getting some for the protection placed on the front and inside portions of the thigh as my last trip to the bottom of the pond left me with some pretty intense bruising to the ego and legs. The ass protection is a must when sliding in on not so forgiving terrain.
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  4. Fuck man!! Tell me about it, between looking for used rigs and ideas on RDS' the amount of advice I will have received I'm getting I'll be able to solve world hunger!!!
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  5. Lookma refuses to deal with any one outside of the EU( mainly North America) because we are too quick to try and put up law suits against people if shit hits the fan.
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  6. Hey Tom, I've already tried talking with PD, they won't give me any information in regards to putting anything like an RDS on the Katana. I do have the mesh on my slider. They can't say anything because of liabilities. I've been thinking of going with a velo comp RDS as they aren't too far off for size, and I don't plan on using it for any sort of terminal jumping.
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  7. Let's go with both. I'm interested in how the size of pilot influences the out come. This is obviously going to be a pretty squed bit of information. None the less, it's interesting. Skydiving hasn't really been a sport that the heavy weights would seem to have a place to shine. Nothing against the heavy people. My self I'm 270 before gear. It's just always been a sport that I have had to make some major adjustments in flying styles for free fall, and some plain acceptions regarding canopy piloting.
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  8. I understand there is an obvious added element of complexity to the whole picture. AFF students/ first jump students are trained and trusted to go through the EP's we have in place if the situation arrises. Dealing with a 3 out could be easily remedied with a "student" set up. No matter which handle you pull in what order will initiate the EP's in the order in which they are designed to operate in. I had the opportunity to jump the Tridem rig and it was a learning experience I will never forget. How ever, we did not pack a malfunction into the primary canopy but that opportunity is there. As for the handles and there location, the tridem was set up to mimic a tandem rig. Handles in locations according to. This in my own opinion had forced me to look and locate my handles before use, Like we drill into the heads of the students. I just fail to see the reasoning behind keeping a tool such as this available to only those who are wanting to get that "cutaway" under there belts before there tandem rating.
    Just my .02
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  9. Im curious what the reasoning behind making a person "clock up a few more jumps" before being allowed to go through there EP's in a semi controlled situation? In my eyes this is a perfect training tool and should be apart of AFF, or at least being a prerequisite for Upgrading from solo to A license. As you have very obviously stated, its in the cards for every one.
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  10. My first car was a 1984 ford mustang. This beast of a heap made it half way to my job 3 days after buying it before pilling up on the side of the road. That's where I got to use my "first" cell phone to call and have my busted ass picked up by mom :) the car cost 400 bucks. 1000 bucks if you take into account the towing bill! If I was real lucky, it would start the first try, and then if I hit a patch of ice I might be able to get the ass end to swing a little. I think it was a bit tired!
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  11. Thanks alot for all the info! Lots of good points brought up! I wil go with the fancy foam to make fly like one of the top ten :D Thanks again!!
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  12. Curious if any one has any experience with the Performance foam on the leading edge of arm wings (Phantom 3). I believe this is a new option for the Phantom and has been offered on larger wings. Is it worth the extra 50 bucks? Thanks for the input in advance.
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  13. I'm sorry you took my description as me trying to "brag" about my size. I don't want to be the "biggest" kid on the block. I was only trying to paint a better picture is all. I'm well aware that the wing loading I would be putting the 170 under is pushing the limits. This thread was created out of curiosity . Thank you for your concern and for expressing it. Just please understand this was a curiosity.
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  14. No thank you for actually asking question like a level headed human being and not tearing into a "newbie". Not that any of the replies where rude/or insulting. The genuine concern and curiosity is something I have noticed lacking in alot of the threads posted on this site do it makes a person a bit more reserved when wanting to ask questions or for input from respected coaches and mentors. Thanks again!
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.

  15. No problem. To start off I have started counting my "years in sport" from my first solo jump. That was done five years ago. There was a lull the next year of jumping, then I worked on a DZ putting in the remainder of the jumps I have within 2 years. Im not condoning the "rapid down size" just because my currency was fast tracked by a busy year of Piloting. As for my exit weight, there is no opinion on that one. Im 6'8" and 240ish pounds. I load the canopy I am currently Piloting at 1.32. I don't know what else to say. My progress has been very carefully scrutinized and has been monitored by various coaches on the DZ. Every time I moved on to a new canopy it was a question that went through all levels of authority on my DZ. I am very confident that non of the coaches on the DZ would put me into a situation that would harm my self/ others. With that being said, I am confident in my own judgement to keep me out of stupid situations. My ego is something I like to keep under control(as best I can).
    D.S 174.2

    Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.