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Posts posted by ants337

  1. right im planning on doing a 10 day trek and kayak trip around the thailand jungle next year in aid of help for heroes (an english charity that supports rehab for injured service men and women and need to raise minamum of £3000+ or $4592 to you guys accross the pond (dont worry i'll be paying my way i dont want the charity to be payin for me!!) just wanting to know some decent ways of raising cash, ive look at pages of ideas but they all seem lame just wondering if have done/know any fun ways of doing so preferably in or around a pub haha dont know about you but the more drunk i get the more cash i seem to lose

    so far all i got is hooking and cashing in a few sexual favours

  2. i think unless ur sposered by dainese and race in the moto gp team i think the price range is well out of reach of the general public also they need to sort out other probs like hips,legs,arms etc protection sure it will keep ur head stable during the first moments of impact but what about the rest of you?

  3. so its 02.52am here in blighty and if you find yourself in a ruck with a group of punks who would you want by your side..... me i want some rad DUDES that live the sewers that have knifes and shit although norris has a third fist under that beard hmmm its a hard call

  4. a quick but decent check over the rig most people go from top to bottom 3 rings are in proper sequance, chest strap routed correctly, handles are good, leg straps done up, AAD switched on, pin checks main and reserve, the person can reach their PC and if the jumper is cleared to jump the equipment they have on, alti zeored they have goggles and lide etc etc basicly your looking for things that are wrong and could cause a mal or worse if all good no worries it sounds like a bit to do but only take a couple of mins and could save someone

  5. birds flying overhead/at me always make me duck and run, havent got a problem with them aslong as there not flying over head, also whales those fuckers can eat you in one but i have an escape plan through the blow hole!.