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Posts posted by Mazz

  1. Quote

    and plus is a paid professional singer, he has been touring with the Cats ensamble.....[:/]

    Wicked...not Cats
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  2. VERY intensive program. I got awesome results from it. If you can stick to it, you will be completely amazed.

    Word of warning.

    The Diet is HARDER than the workout and the workout is really freakin hard.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  3. Quote

    Depends on how bad she gets...*cough*wet*cough*cough*

    never known a "spotter".

    would LOVE to "meet" one.;)
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  4. Quote

    Great... Now Im sitting here at the Phoenix airport thinking about sex!!!!! :S

    At least when your section is called you can get up and get on the plane. A guy might have to wait few minutes...or keep his hand in his pocket till he sits down again.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  5. I think ive only had morning sex once. it was awesome. The wife really isnt a fan of mornings.:(

    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  6. Jason



    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  7. Quote

    Would you rather...

    1. Chew on glass shards .... OR

    2. Have to jump into shark infested waters?

    Good luck with that. ;)

    Chew on glass shards. (less chance of dying)

    Would you rather:

    1. Immerse your naked body in a bathtub of cockroaches.

    2.Dive nakes head first into a pool of tobacco spit?
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  8. Quote


    2.Have a magnetic head?

    In my line of work, a magnetic head would come in handy.

    forgot to ask your own question.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  9. Format: Quote the question you are answering. Answer the question. Ask your own question.

    Would you rather:

    1. Be forced to preface everything you say with the phrase "Check it, Bitch" under threat of being slapped.

    2.Have a magnetic head?
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  10. Quote

    Let's not get testy, lack of knowledge about a specific site is not a mortal sin... The part about waiting 45 seconds in the first post would have been helpful. The policy looks fine and most USAA insurers have been happy with their policy.

    Thanks for looking. You are the first to comment on the policy.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  11. Quote

    If you don't provide us a way to review the .pdf without having to join a membership site.... you're not going to get a decent answer.


    what are you talking about?
    Click the link. Enter in the code and press download file.
    wait the 45 secs and click the button that pops up.
    File downloaded, no membership required.
    takes less than 1 minute.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  12. Quote


    A series of unfortunate events

    Oh Jesus Christ! Which spare bedroom do you want to sleep in tonight?

    uh oh!
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  13. Quote

    Don't you suppose making your first jump might help determine if you should be worrying about dying as a skydiver?

    well, im uninsured and looking for coverage. I plan to go skydiving in the VERY near future and my wife wont let me go till im insured. Sooo... Its in my best interest to find a plan that covers death by skydiving.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?


    Im looking at buying insurance that covers skydiving and I got this contract from USAA. I dont see any skydiving clause or anything that would exclude death from skydiving or extreme sports. Hell it looks like it will even pay on suicide.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  15. Im trying to find out some info on back injuries associated with skydiving. Every thread Ive read so far there are people that go into detail about their injuries and its making me cringe. I HATE sympathy pains.

    So... without going into detail:

    How common are back injuries from skydiving?

    Are they preventable?

    How common are hard openings?

    What causes a hard opening?

    Will staying big and not downsizing help?

    Bonus, off topic question:

    Does being in a skydiving club help or hurt insurance premiums? I was asked this question when looking for a quote and I said no.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  16. Kris was awesome last night. Easily the best of the 7.

    Adam was good as always but we've come to expect it so its harder to blow us away.

    Danny was good but he needs to mix it up a bit and his moves were very awkward.

    Alison - Did not like it at all. It was kinda creepy coming from a 16yr old.

    Lil- wtf was that. Shes gone.

    Anoop - Hes next to go

    Matt - I like it, but it wasnt great. He'll go after Anoop.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?


    Used a 20% off coupon so I saved $100.

    Seems pretty awesome. Its kinda like the Ipod of Vacuums. Still not sure why I spent 400 bucks on a vacuum....

    ...Scratch that, I know why. Ive had 4 vacuums in 2 years. I wanted one that works.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  18. Quote

    Sure he's gonna take it , for two reasons...
    1- He skreaches real loud and real high, thats seems in this year with the judges...

    2- he's a professional singer !! He's been touring with the show Wiz or something like that.

    This should be about true amatuers in my .02

    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  19. Danny is good. VERY good,but i really think Adam is going to take it. Hes got character, charisma, talent, most important of all, practice.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

  20. Quote

    Yeah, I jump with one of the contestants from last season, a young man named Marley. Haven't watched this year. Is he any good?

    yeah, hes a front runner. He will most likely get 2nd place.
    In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?