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Posts posted by SilentJ

  1. On a marquee in one episode
    "Sperms of enderment, I'll do anyone"

    apu: Silly customer you cannot harm a twinkie

    ralph wiggum: Oh boy sleep! that where I am a viking!

    homer: mmmmmm soilente green

    Homer: To alcohol! The cause of and solution too all of lifes' proplems

  2. um here are some of the worst movies I dont know why even sat though them...

    Fear and loathing las vegas
    The rules of attraction
    The royal tennenbaums
    little nicky
    and a few others.......

    My biggest pet peeve about going to the movies is the Televison comericals they show before the trailers. If I wanted to watch televison comericals I would have stayed home at watched TV. Also I think most wouldnt be so bad if censors didnt have a hugh bug in their ass. Another peeve is I wish they quit knocking down R-rated movies to PG-13 so the kiddies can see it!!! finally Id wish they bring back true Rated R movies. Its okay to show boobies for more than a second. B|B|B|

  3. B|B|B|

    Dallas Doctor Dies In Freak Elevator Accident
    Elevator Doors Pin, Decapitate Surgical Resident In Houston

    what I don't understand in the hell didnt the person who was already in the elevator hit the emergncy stop button if she saw someone stuck in the elevator doors or better yet the open door button.......come to think of it she could have hit the door close button.....but I ve heard from somewhere that the "door close buttons on elevators are just there for show and dont really do anything.
    " hey I am stuckcould you please hit the emergency stop button"

  4. Nope no tunnel in texas.....if you goto the
    skyventure's web site.......they have several being built one in jersey and the other one a skydive Perris
    in ca. and of course the one already operational in orlando. According to their website it says the site in texas, dallas and houston are open to negoiation. so if they're any rich people out there. plz build a tunnel in texas dallas or houston. I'll surely drive to it.


    do a search throught the forums on wind tunnels.....and you'll find out the once in tennesee and nevada are just big fan underneth you. The better one is in orlando....and soon to be jersey and cali(skydive perris) and I am hoping texas someday

  5. I work at a call center help desk as would not believe how many people dont know what case sensitve means.
    or "IF I have the CAPS LOCK on does that affect the number too?"
    or when asking them to fill in an online form...they fill it out and wait....when theres a long pause..they finally say Do I submit it now? sarcastic answer I wanna say but cant is...."naw just hold tight the next flight leaves in twenty minutes I 'll be at you house in no time todo it for you!

    "Who is more the fool? The fool or the fool who follows him

  6. hey all

    Normally I am a lurker and just read many of the vast opinions in talk back.
    I ve had to write cause I just stumbled upon this wackos web site "David Icke" I wont go into much details but he has a website.....Most things he raves about didnt realy capture my undivided attention. Some are the claims of shape shifting reptilians thatare conspring to rule the world. also his section the Facist states of america I could not stand to read the mindless dribble this guys projects. I think the saddest part is some people actually believes him.
    you just have to goto his website to see what I am talking about...from reptile men who really rule the world to claims Billy graham is a satanist!!

    Well I hope this brings a laugh for some .......if if you actually believe this guy god help you
    my signature line
    "who is more the fool? The Fool? or the fool who follows him?"
    obi wan kenobi

  7. I agree that a wind tunnel cant take the place of real skydiving-a little thing called sensory overload for FJS. I just was looking at their program so I could skydive and goto the tunnel in the same week to correct my spinning proplems in freefall...I just need a few minutes in the tunnel to learn to correct myself so I dont freak out in the air.

  8. I just want to know some opinions on skydive universities wind tunnel aff program where they combine a little tunnel time before the start of the aff program...Does anyone know if they have a high success ratio of graduating and helping problem students-particularly spin prone. also if you were a troublesome student that attended the program. how did they help you succede to the next level?


  9. I just want to know if anyone knows the status of any of the other proposed state tunnels besides The one we alrerady know about. I am especially wanting to know any news about the one in texas. MY jumpmaster told me that they planned to build one in Arlington texas near Dallas/fort worth. Does anyone have any truth to this rumor. I live in fort worth and if it is true I know where some of my money going after FJC and on rainy days


  10. I was wondering how many dropzone in the proposed States or adjacent states are planning some sort of curriculm For FJC students involving the new tunnel in their state One thing I would like to see is road trips to the tunnel sponsored by the DZ Also does anyone have any ideas or heard anyhting about the site of the tunnels especially in texas. I would save a lot of money if it was in dallas or houston it only a 5 hour drive :)

  11. To everyone:
    Thanks for all the advice.....I have come to the conclusion that I do want to jump it is just something a part of me I cant give up. I ve weighed the risks and I able to accept them....but my proplem come more out of frustration. I was introduced into the sport in 96 and now its is 02 still on student status. it frustrates me cause I could be helping jumper like me now try to get over that hurrdle and getting off student status......
    I ve found my fear is usually left on the ground or blown out when the door opens......the best advice anyone has said to me or anyone having proplems is relax...the second is Stop whining, get off ur ass and jump.
    I am going back to the DZ this weekend I will keep you guys informed on my progress to finally get off student status

  12. hi I am looking for a little advice on when a proplem student such as myself should give up on skydiving and pursue something give a brief history I made my first tandem in 96, Tried aff shortly there after but had proplems with currency and level 3(kept spinning went fetal once, another time got on my back but quickly flipped over and arched and pulled stable at pull time) Another time I was a packer and used my money from packing to pay for a SL course inwhich I made 2 jumps from the dope rope. I went away for about 3 years but never gave up thinking about skydiving........when I returned to sign up again I was greated by my name after 3 years...this is something that I have grown to love about skydiving...not the actual jump but the people who do skydive.
    my last stint was also SL paid for a first jump package got up to 15 sec delays before work and bad weather changed my plans but this time I am more relaxed in plane and the jumps go fine...I even hit the peas on several jumps with no radio help......I still have jump tkts left which I dont wanna waste and also I am planning to go to orlando to learn to fly myself in the tunnel