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Posts posted by BooTheGhost

  1. Thanks for all of the replies. Sadly the way the DZ I go to instructs requires me to fly tandem twice before I can jump AFF normally. I guess I'll just have to tough it out next week and see what happens after I get to fly alone. Thanks for all of the advice.

    I wasn't really nervous at all so I don't think that had anything to do with it. I guess it's something I have to get used to.

  2. I have always had a weak stomach...not terribly weak. I could ride most rollercoasters and other rides a couple times without throwing up. I'll get dizzy, but I can always hold it in. The winds were about 16 mph, but we didn't really do that many turns. Around 4k feet my ears started popping really bad and I got terribly sick.

    Should I give it another chance? What are some good methods to try and prevent this from happening again if I make my next dive in a couple weeks like planned? I really liked it and would like to continue. I didn't eat for about 5 hours before I made the dive as well.

    I want to do it again but it was extremely humiliating and I felt awful for my instructor.