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Posts posted by Stela

  1. Thank you for your input.. makes sense, somehow didn't think about it :) I'm 170cm and 58kg in bad times, 55kg in good times :) makes no big difference for a suit I suppose? I couldn't say if i'm fast or slow.. because when I jump with people who are better than me, they make sure they're on my level :) I would sometimes get the feeling I flew down faster than the others (when jumping with people of similar level) - I was wearing bit baggy pants with normal shirt (so no drag) so far.

    actually I got no clue! :)

    somebody recommended me 619... the other v2.. I would stick with this two brands, because they're European.

    trying to get an answer as well of Tonfly... but I'm still happy for any inputs and recommendation :) Since the Tonfly will surely not say I should go for V2 :P :)

  2. Hello all :)

    I'm choosing my first FF suit, got 180 jumps, doing sit, but still working on docking - so a FF beginner.. I am choosing between Tonfly (Uno 619 or 618) and Sonic V2. What would you recommend? I got the impression that the 618 is very fast, so I suppose, beginner like me will have troubles slowing down if needed? Is it better I take it out of consideration?
    And what about Tonfly vs Sonic difference?

    Thnx for your help & blue skies :)
