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Dropzone Reviews posted by richclive

  1. Situated right on the beach, this is a DZ that has had a lot of ups and downs (arson of a Porter, problems getting air traffic sorted out) but this all seems to be sorted now, and they have planning permission for their own buildings which may go up for next season. Right now they 'share' a building with a restaurant (bit pricey, sprint to the one on the campsite - over the runway) and the rooms for private pilots, meaning you pack a short walk away in a hangar. Customs rules mean that you cannot use the door to the building from the landing zone - you have to go through the window. Like I said, quirky. The vibe when we were there was good and we were made to feel very welcome, but we know one of the tandem guys and his girlfriend which made it much easier (that's why it gets a 4 on friendliness, the language barrier being the main cause). We have had nightmares in the past getting our paperwork sorted at French DZs, but this was quick and easy. There's a small shop on the campsite, a cheap hotel right next door, and you can camp for free in a tiny area at the back of the packing area, where there is a basic shower. They run a Porter, only putting in seven people if they are tall, eight if short. As the other reviewer says, great view.

  2. In the past couple of years a new Directeur technique (Marin) has made this a whole new place to jump. Very friendly (although speaking a little French will help) and is set up as a club so they're not a tandem factory and gear hire is free for your first 50 jumps. They fly a Porter, and have just put in an order for a brand new one. Porters are very popular in France for good reason, and on a good day they can get up to 30 loads up. Guest planes are generally another Porter, occasionally a Skyvan or Twin Otter. The bar opening times can be a little sporadic (run by volunteers) but if you claim caffeine withdrawl they'll open up if they have time. Operate under FFP but no problem with USPA or BPA ratings, but be warned that, as with most French DZs, if you want to do a tandem you'll need a medical cert / letter from your doctor saying you're fit and healthy.

  3. Agree with most of the review alongside - although the Porter is the only thing permanently at the DZ (they do have the Skyvan every so often, but not full time). France can be a great place to jump, but sometimes if you're not speaking the good French it can cause communication problems. Having the Airwaves school there helps a lot for non-Frenchies by smoothing the way from registration to jumping (although all the natives are extremely friendly), and it means you can do BPA qualifications in a country where they know how to cook. RW teachers were excellent, and freaks should watch out for Steve Blincoe who often pops up during the summer. There's world-class surf 60kms up the coast, a well-tended bunkhouse and campsite, and a surprisingly good bar/restaurant. But if flying there Ryanair - beware the excess luggage charges. They bite hot.