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Posts posted by cliffwhite

  1. Quote

    [ Hey Billy,
    Do you have any evidence that that refrigerator of meat was left by the evil Cary or his minions?

    Or was a cooler full of rotting meat found there a week or so later and you just assumed that it was left by the Evil Cary and his minions?


    Ask johndh1. He posted after me saying that he saw the fridge left there and helped clean it up after ASC left.

    NO NO NO!!!!

    You went on an international forumtelling the world that Cary and his minions left a cooler of rotting meat on the airport.
    Now you say ask John Doe?

    Do you have first hand knowledge of the incIdent or not???

    Or are you prone to posting here se?



  • [reply
    The other thing was, arrest warrants were almost issued for Rob & Laura (the "responsible parties" in the previous lease), who I know had nothing to do with it. The longer it stayed out, the better the case and more revolting the offense.

    Yeah , Right johndh1!
    Arrest warrants were "almost issued".
    What the fuck is that ?????

    Let me tell you if cops had reason to isuue warrants they would have done their job and issue warrants!!

    So what kind of creative writing course did you take?
    Arrest warrants were "almost issued"?

    Arrest warants were almost issued for your mother.
    They were concerning prostitution and harboring an idiot.
    I'm glad to report she's cleared on the prostitution charges.
    Apparently she's been givin' it away for free.
    Harboring an idiot is still pending.


  • Quote

    Best thing that can happen is, keep this thread going, but ban cliffwhite from this forum. He's adding nothing but gibberish. :S

    Oh !! isn't that the ripest watermelon on the vine!!!

    Billy Vance comes on here telling everyone that the evil Cary and/or his minions placed a refrigator of deer meet on the ramp to spoil and cause damage to the aircraft owners some distance away from said refrigerator.

    When called on for the facts Billy Vance states I don't really know ask John Doe!!!

    But now Billy Vance thinks we should continue the thread but just "ban Cliff White"

    What's a matter Billy? 2 much Truth??????

    2 much Truth for an Alabama White Boy from an upitty Georgia nigga?

    Ise sees ! When truth is mo than any white folk wanna hear just ban that uppidy Ga. nigga!
    That be fixin things back 2 right!


  • Quote


    What's a matter Billy? 2 much Truth??????

    2 much Truth for an Alabama White Boy from an upitty Georgia nigga?

    Ise sees ! When truth is mo than any white folk wanna hear just ban that uppidy Ga. nigga!
    That be fixin things back 2 right!


    That's the kind of shit that Driver 1 was pointing out! THAT'S why you should be banned!

    I should be banned becaue I writes like I talks?
    I lern't my speakin' writin' from the white man!!

    Billy Vance is the one that can't back up his story!

    He say Masuh Cary left deer meet out on the ramp in a friderator to rot!

    I know tha be a lie cause Massah Cary always be so good to Ol' Cliff.
    Massah Cary would have offered dat meat to me befo'
    he let it rot. I know that in my soul Lord Jesus!!!

    Billy Vance .., I wanna call him a liar but I ain't gonna go there.
    Billy Vance is an unsettled soul with no real purpose or direction in life.
    I hope he find out what he need to do and where he need to go real soon.
    Crucifying Massuh Cary can't be healthy fo him as it's neve really gonna happen.
    Masuh got lots o' money and even mo lawyers.

    I do wish that Billy heal!


  • Best thing that can happen is, keep this thread going, but ban cliffwhite from this forum. He's adding nothing but gibberish. :S

    Oh !! isn't that the ripest watermelon on the vine!!!

    Billy Vance comes on here telling everyone that the evil Cary and/or his minions placed a refrigator of deer meet on the ramp to spoil and cause damage to the aircraft owners some distance away from said refrigerator.

    When called on for the facts Billy Vance states I don't really know ask John Doe!!!

    But now Billy Vance thinks we should continue the thread but just "ban Cliff White"

    What's a matter Billy? 2 much Truth??????

    2 much Truth for an Alabama White Boy from an upitty Georgia nigga?

    Ise sees ! When truth is mo than any white folk wanna hear just ban that uppidy Ga. nigga!
    That be fixin things back 2 right!


  • Quote



    TC, stop clowning around! a lot of people saw the post Driver1 is referring to.

    OK, legalize1996, a lot of people saw the Virgin Mary appear in a coud in Fatima as well.

    Can you give us a legal defenition of "racialy slanderous"?

    Oh !!! One more thing ,legalize1966,I noticed that the post you replied to wasn't the reply link. So what is your agenda?


    Damn it Jeff, I am saying quit fucking around! It's very obvious that you are only trying to get another thread locked. There's only two links that I know of, and this time I am quoting you! This thread has turned in to a circus and is way off topic.

    So what is the legal defenition of "racialy slanderous"?
    That is the question "legalize1966".
    And can you produce the post in question?

    Seems you white boys like to talk a bit.
    Don't think no niigga can out think ya!

    You just might be wrong.
    I'll take your woman too!!!!

    And just exatly who saw Cary or his minions place the refrigerator ,full of "deer meat" , onthe ramp?


  • Quote

    >Do you have any evidence that that refrigerator of meat was left by the
    >evil Cary or his minions?

    Yes. Post #218 of this thread.

    Bill Von ..,
    As self-absorbed as you may be and while this particular website may seem to guarantee you the authority you've always craved , it saddens me to inform you that internet postings are not necessarily considered evidence as defined by Georgia State Law .


  • Quote

    I'd venture to guess that a 6 million dollar ruling smells more like my asshole than roses. Feel free to confirm that though.


    A ruling isn't a collection . Believe me youngster,with six million dollars you can put off collections for ever.

    And I believe most people here who dislike Cary do so because he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

    Have you ever seen the Evil Cary around his kids,linebcr83?
    Kinda blows that theory out of the water doesn't it?



  • Quote

    TC, stop clowning around! a lot of people saw the post Driver1 is referring to.

    OK, legalize1996, a lot of people saw the Virgin Mary appear in a cloud in Fatima as well.

    Can you give us a legal defenition of "racialy slanderous"?

    Oh !!! One more thing ,legalize1966,I noticed that the post you replied to wasn't the reply link. So what is your agenda?


  • [ Hey Billy,
    Do you have any evidence that that refrigerator of meat was left by the evil Cary or his minions?

    Or was a cooler full of rotting meat found there a week or so later and you just assumed that it was left by the Evil Cary and his minions?


    Ask johndh1. He posted after me saying that he saw the fridge left there and helped clean it up after ASC left.

    NO NO NO!!!!

    You went on an international forumtelling the world that Cary and his minions left a cooler of rotting meat on the airport.
    Now you say ask John Doe?

    Do you have first hand knowledge of the incIdent or not???

    Or are you prone to posting here se?


  • Quote

    I do recall you making that racially slanderous post that got the ASC Sucks thread locked and sent to recycle, so the way I see it, you are closer to that than I am.


    You recall?
    You recall Driver1?

    What "racially slanderous post"?

    Are you accusing me,Driver1, of posting racially slanderous material?

    Could you define for the group the term "racialy slanderous",Driver1 ?
    We'll all wait on that because if you can't you've shown yourself to be posting shit and prone to false accusations.

    And oh!!! Why don't you produce the post in question?


    Besides all that, how about them Stickers in Nashville? Are they getting cleaned up?


  • Quote

    I'll bet you didn't know this, but when these guys left Pell City for the last time (forced out), and right before they started up at Prattville, they also left a small refrigerator with about 40 pounds of deer meat in it in the middle of the ramp between the t-hangars that Sunday evening, with a note saying "With Love, To Charlie Brown," and a smiley face. It was there for a week in the July sun rotting, and smelled up the entire area and the contents of the surrounding hangars. Charles Browning was the airport board chairman, and it was like a "fuck you" message for him. It really didn't affect him; however, all the other pilots whose hangars and airplanes smelled of rotting venison were not impressed.

    This is another example of the kind of Cary-spawned arrogance I was speaking about earlier.... :S

    Hey Billy,
    Do you have any evidence that that refrigerator of meat was left by the evil Cary or his minions?

    Or was a cooler full of rotting meat found there a week or so later and you just assumed that it was left by the Evil Cary and his minions?


  • Quote



    But I've got a little bit of common sense, and it only takes a little to realize the difference between a prank and fucking with people's expensive shit.


    Give me a break!!!
    "fucking with people's expensive shit"?

    The refrigerator was left well away from anyones' "expensive shit".

    Any damage has been , I'm sure , greatly exaggerated.

    What if an un-butchered deer had died in the exact same spot that Sunday night?

    You guys really should get over your envy of Cary's wealth.


    You are admitting to doing that? Damn Fincher, that's a Classic! BTW, I like your new user name, snazzy!:D

    Mods??? Is Driver1's reffering to me as "Fincher" a PA?
    I believe it is and I think he should be banned !!B|


  • Quote

    Cary's wealth? You do realize that will be soon coming to an end right?

    The only thing I know about him (besides that he's worthless) is that his sister is awesome in the sack ;)

    Obviously you,linebckr83, are young and naive.

    20 million doesn't ever go through anyones' fingers without a good portion sticking.
    Chances are Cary will come through any "legal" trials smelling like a rose.

    Now if any of you are really pissed at him and are intent on setting matters right.., there is that old tried and true Louisville Slugger option. Of course you'ld need a pair.


  • Quote

    But I've got a little bit of common sense, and it only takes a little to realize the difference between a prank and fucking with people's expensive shit.


    Give me a break!!!
    "fucking with people's expensive shit"?

    The refrigerator was left well away from anyones' "expensive shit".

    Any damage has been , I'm sure , greatly exaggerated.

    What if an un-butchered deer had died in the exact same spot that Sunday night?

    You guys really should get over your envy of Cary's wealth.



  • Quote

    then stand up and be recognized as a clean skydiver.

    Listen here, Markup! Many before you gave their all to uphold the outlaw image of skydivers.

    Who the fuck are you ?
    What are your sacrifices?

    Who the fuck are you to buck the tradition?

    Who said that skydivers should be squeaky clean?
    Is that what you want?
    The nutless boys choir singin' on jump run?

    How do you think we got as far as we have over the years with the FAA?
    It wasn't from being nut-less goodie two shoes.
    It was by being balls out and breaking the rules and saying see!!!!!

    But you wouldn't understand that.

    Ken and Barbie and the yuppie/ baby of the family crowd.


  • Quote


    Is there any possibillity , Spence, that if perhaps we talk to each other a bit more civily, look through the lense from the other point of view, that perhaps we could all realize our "one-ness"?

    No. Fuckers are fuckers, and we are not one with them, cliffwhite.
    By the way, cliffwhite, we are not one with you, either, cliffwhite. You got that, cliffwhite?
    Here's your card, cliffwhite.

    I'm disappointed,Andy, that you are so judgemental.

    I guess you are perfect in everyway,Andy.
    I guess your perfection,Andy, does allow you to throw stones in every direction.
    I love you ,Andy!
    I understand our "one-ness".



  • Quote

    reply] Please allow me to refresh some recent advice that I offered, I strongly recommend that you and your AST/ASC/Skyride friends urgently seek the counciling of your local Denial Crisis Center. I'm sure you can find a "location near you" and if you are interested, they may even offer extra altitude for a small fee and don't forget to rent the pilot chute just for safety.;)

    Really Driver 1?
    That is what you wish to offer ?
    And you proclaim *that* as your best negotiation on the web to be read by all the generations to come?


    Driver1.., have you ever considered just not saying anything?
    That course of action/(inaction) may fool people into believing that you are smarter than you really are!


  • Quote


    there are 7 pages of rants and crying about LITTERING. arent there bigger issues going on in the world than some stickers being posted up. oh yea, theres a huge fucking natural disaster in Haiti that has taken lives and destroyed a country. if you guys put the same amount of effort into something constructive like helping someone that you guys put into trying to bash chuck and the rest of the ast dropzone then the world would be a better place. get off your fucking high horse because theres not a single person on this site who hasnt littered, broken the law in some fashion, or bent their personal morals before. flame on haters

    That is a fucked up way of looking at things. You will fit right in there.

    Gee Spence!!!
    I guess you told them!!!!!!!

    Is there any possibillity , Spence, that if perhaps we talk to each other a bit more civily, look through the lense from the other point of view, that perhaps we could all realize our "one-ness"?
    Is that a possibility?
    Or are you just too determined to get your pound of vengence?


  • Can anyone tell me how to pack a "Strato Cloud"?
    I just bought it and pulled it out to show my boys how it comes out.
    I've got a jump lined up next week and need to get it back in the harness where it will come out right again.
