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Posts posted by wndrer73

  1. AIM: wndrer 73
    If you add me then please also send me a msg so i know you've added me and I can then add you as well..... for some stupid reason AIM doesn't tell you if someone adds you to their list! >:(
    Skydive page: http://www.callmewanderer.com/skydive
    Please dont stalk me page: http://www.imnotthatinteresting.com

  2. Quote

    You now are faced with a moral dillema: Remain faithful to your girlfriend, even though she'll probably never find out...or go in there & shag this babe.

    Aaaahhhh.... anyone seen the movie "City Slickers"? "Let's say a spaceship lands..."
    Well, if you're Curly and she's a redhead, there'd probably be no doubt what you'd do! On the other hand, if you're the supermarket manager and she's a cashier, that's a BAAAADDDD idea!
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  3. I too saw it late last night.... Actually I've already made plans to see it on Sunday morning (private showing, heheheh), but i was surfing around last night at the star wars sights and came to the movietickets.com site and went to the theater site and went to the buy tickets online site, and before i knew what was going on, i already bought the ticket for the 11:45pm show!
    All sort of on a whim... so i went, i saw, and i was amazed by Yoda's lightsaber-weilding skills! And the beginnings of Anakin's fall to the dark side. (I don't think I gave anything away there, did I?)
    I'll shut up now.
    You're welcome.
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  4. Quote

    Silly Californians........

    Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy who're ya calling "silly", Mr. Mighty Mouse? We're NOT silly!!! just ummm..... weird. but weird in a good way. not like those "true" weirdos in Georgia... oops. sorry. uhhh i meant Canada. Yeah, that's it... Canada. hmmmmm...
    [hides behind my car]
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  5. Quote

    It is an uneasy unsetteling feeling to feel the earth shake rattle and roll.

    i LOVE IT when the earth shakes, rattles, and rolls!!! as long as it doesn't shake or rattle or roll TOO MUCH! but hey, up to 10-20 seconds or so it's fantastic! nothing scary about being indoors either for me -- it's actually more fun than scary - in that sense sorta like a roller coaster --- or SKYDIVING!
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  6. Yeah, i got a great foot-massage! 'Twas fun, but I wish it had lasted longer... Earthquakes are great in giving foot massages!
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  7. Quote

    Speaking of seasons and happiness...it is still freakin' snowing here in North Dakota! Shit!!! :(

    Dont worry, be happy!
    Dont worry, be happy.
    okay, yes... i need sleep. it's 3 AM. i'm going on about 4-5 hours of sleep since friday morning. it's making me burst out into cheesy songs. that's not good. 'scuse me please, i need an iced tea.
    okay.. uhh... yes, i need sleep. good night, au revoir, auf weidersehn, sayonara, bon nuit, buenos noches, buenos nachos, and aloha ahiahi..
    mmm... nachos.
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  8. Yeah, there's a lot of that happiness stuff goin' around... must be something to do with the season.
    'Tis the season to be happy, fa la la la la, la la la la.....
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  9. Quote

    The 80s were a beautiful, beautiful time.

    Aaaah yes.... the decade that gave me a drivers license and i wished i could go down to paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  10. who said you can't pick your friend's nose? Sure you can! Now, it's not something that I would do, or recommend... but hey, to each his own!
    You can lead a horse to water and yes, you can make him drink, but if you can get him to tap-dance while singing "La Cucaracha", you've REALLY got something there!
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  11. Jason,
    I'll be right up there with ya! I'm hoping to be back in the air in the next couple of weeks after recovering completely from an ankle injury. When I get back, I'll be (hopefully) starting with AFF-L2. And I'm nervous about it too, but I also remember what it feels like to let get out of the door and let go, letting your body fall away from the plane!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!
    So I guess I'll see ya at Byron some time or other! Who have you jumped with over there on your 3 previous jumps?
    Yippppeeee this is my 100th post!!!!! And only 2 AFF + 2 Tandem jumps.... Well, 25:1 ratio isn't really THAT bad i guess....
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  12. Quote

    I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.

    So what does that make us?
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  13. Quote

    It's "Bueller...Bueller..."

    Ummm... he's sick. My best friend's brother's cousin's boyfriend knew this guy who heard from this girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  14. Got this picture in an email..... about 10 times in the last 2 years... so my apologies if you've seen this, but i guess this can also be used as "Canadian Skydivers who've landed off-DZ with a jet ski distress signal"
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  15. Just out of curiosity, who here has their home DZ at Byron, CA? or for that matter, jump their regularly?
    I'm just wondering how many of you I've actually met!
    Those chopper jumps were awesome today - in fact they're still going on! I wish I could've gone! *sigh*
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  16. Quote

    My friends already think I'm crazy and now that I've injured myself that impression hasn't exactly improved, if you know what I mean.

    I know EXACTLY what you mean! I broke my leg too on my AFF-L2 jump (tibia fracture, out of commission for the last month and more), almost every whuffo said, "I told you so!"
    Well, finally after one person at work said, "I guess this will teach you never to skydive again!", I replied back with "No, this will teach me how to make a good landing so THE NEXT TIME I SKYDIVE I won't break my leg."
    He just shook his head and walked away mumbling to himself, and THAT FELT GOOD!
    So don't worry about what everyone else thinks -- what matters is what you love to do, and that's jumping out of perfectly good airplanes and FLYING!
    I just started walking again yesterday (WOOHOO!) -- as soon as I'm healed completely I'm heading back to the dropzone and finishing what I started -- in fact I can't wait! But hang in there, and like someone said, the sky will always be there, you'll be in it before you know it!
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  17. Sure, i've had quite a few "Star Wars" nights... those are always fun with an awesome sound system!
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  18. I may be a bit rusty, but here goes (this is all from memory so I'm sure i'll get it wrong):
    Dark Helmet: What's this? When does this happen in the movie?
    Colonel Sanders: Now, sir. We're looking at now now. Everything that's happening now, is happening now.
    Dark Helmet: Now?
    Colonel Sanders: Now.
    Dark Helmet: Go back to then!
    Colonel Sanders: We can't!
    Dark Helmet: Why not?
    Colonel Sanders: We missed it!
    Dark Helmet: When?
    Colonel Sanders: JUST NOW! See, we're at now now.
    Dark Helmet: When will then be now?
    Colonel Sanders: SOON!
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  19. Always interesting to read political/philosophical discussions at 2 AM!!! ;-) This is a great topic and although I have nothing more to contribute than what has been said already, I would like to make one unrelated point:

    we have more to learn from Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Mandela than Roosevelt, Churchill or Stalin.

    Okay, as someone who was born in India, i get really annoyed when an Indian name is spelled as it is pronounced in the Western world... His name was "Gandhi", not "Ghandi"... that's all. Sorry for the interruption - please continue your discussion, i'm having a great time reading it!!!
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  20. Quote

    Gotta LOVE that movie.. did they ever make a part two?

    "Spaceballs Part 2: The Search for more money"? Nope... Apparantly all the merchandizing revenue from the first part was enough to fill Mel's pockets.
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

  21. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.
    But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and so
    is your head.

    After you, my love, my only prize Would be a bullet between my eyes.
    Of loving beauty you float with grace. If only you could hide your face.
    I thought that I could love no other. Until, that is, I met your brother.
    Kind, intelligent, loving and hot. This describes everything you're not.
    I want to feel your sweet embrace. But don't take that paper bag off of your
    I love your smile, your face, and your eyes -- Damn, I'm good at telling lies!
    Every time I see your face I wish I were in outer space.
    I saw your face as you walked by, but then I saw a better guy.
    My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife: Marrying you screwed up my life.
    Beauty is on the inside, but some may doubt. If it's true, I'd prefer you
    inside out.
    What inspired this amorous rhyme? Two parts vodka, one part lime.
    I see your face when I am dreaming--That's why I always wake up screaming.
    My love, you take my breath away. What have you stepped in to smell this way?
    My feelings for you no words can tell... Except for maybe "go to hell!"
    "Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump