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Dropzone Reviews posted by AiRpollUtiOn

  1. Just came back from Marche, I loved the place.
    A part from one small plane for training that flies for like one hour a day there is only skydiving at this field.
    The landing area is located next to the packing hangar and is easy to spot from under canopy.
    With the Adriatic sea on one side, and the Appenines inland the vieuw is awesome.

    Skydive Marche is the home-DZ of Marco Tiezi and Gigliola Borgnis (Frick Freefly and the founders of Atmonauti). During our stay we received extensive coaching from Marco and his enthousiasm was really catching.

    The Tiger-Porter takes you to 13500 - 14000 ft in less than 15 minutes.

    in the restaurant the food is home-cooked, and the menu is changed every day. The food is so good you might gain a few pounds before going home!

    The only thing I didn't like so much was the shower in the bunkhouse, but the people at Skydive Marche are working to set u a great skydiving center (and I personally think they have all it takes to become one of the greates centers in Europe) so by the time I go back next year I think that will be fixed.

    I would recommend this place to anyone, and especialli to those who want to improve their Atmonauti skills!
    After your stay you will be nice and synchronise, and flye de body really nice!

    Guys @ Skydive Marche: Gracie mille, and see you next year.


  2. Been jumping at Skydive Zeeland for the past 2 weekends, and I loved it.
    Being a commercial centre you have to be prepared to wait for a slot in between tandems.
    Last week we went there with our 4-way team and a cameraflier, they gave us about 15 minutes to pack and brief for the next jump between 2 jumps, but you won't always be so lucky.
    The 2 landing areas that they use are easy to spot, and don't have any obstacles that might be dangerous when flying your landing pattern.

    That's for the skydiving part.

    If you want to be at 14000ft in 15 minutes, don't go to this centre, but if youu want to enjoy some jumps with a magnificent vieuw over the water, but you also want to enjoy the evenings, this is a place I can reccomend.
    I met some of the coolest people out there.
    Everyone is welcomed as if they were coming there for several years, no problems drinking a beer and sleeping over, and no types around that act like skygods that only talk to +1000 jumpers.
    There are some skygods around (at least in my book) and they are willing to share their experience.

    Bottom line, except for my own club the coolest place on earth, if I'm not @ malle, chances are extremely high that you will find me at Midden Zeeland airport having the time of my life.