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Posts posted by mikegambino

  1. lol. Were you not reading. I replaced the BASH with the C shell. Then proceeded to add a whois feature to the shell, because the version of the C-shell I was using(not sure which one, as it had been modified previously) did not have one... done asking questions?

  2. Errr, We changed the standard shell completely, as well as modified the version of the new shell we put in place of the BASH. And, every single operating system out there(just a generalization) was made for one purpose, to complete the tasks of the developer(s). So, there was nothing really wrong with it. We just wanted a cool distro that we could distribute to our friends. We wanted to make it, sort of a cross between fedora, and the backtrack series. We(I) also wrote a driver for my lexmark X5250, because there were none for linux. Although I couldn't use the lexmark all-in-one photo center, it still allowed me to print whatever I wanted.

  3. Quote

    CISSP? I doubt it, requires MANY years actually IN the biz.

    Candidates for the CISSP must meet several requirements:

    Possess a minimum of five years of direct full-time security work experience in two or more of the ten ISC2 information security domains (CBK). One year may be waived for having either a four-year college degree, a Master's degree in Information Security, or for possessing one of a number of other certifications from other organizations[8].
    Attest to the truth of their assertions regarding professional experience and accept the CISSP Code of Ethics.[9].
    Answer four questions regarding criminal history and related background.[10]
    Pass the CISSP exam with a scaled score of 700 points or greater. The exam is multiple choice, consisting of 250 questions with four options each, to be answered over a period of six hours.[10]
    Have their qualifications endorsed by another (ISC)² certified professional in good standing. The endorser attests that the candidate's assertions regarding professional experience are true to the best of their knowledge, and that the candidate is in good standing within the information security industry."

    Your mama. You're not a hacker, just a kiddie. Script kiddie at that.

    Skydiving? That's for grown folks. Stick to X-box.

    How do I know? 13.5 years IN the biz. Been there, done that, now I'm bored, so I skydive.

    I may be a noob at skydiving, with 9 jumps, but the InfoSec field? Please...... not so much. The GOVERNMENT wishes that they knew what I know.......

    Again, being the responsible adult here, and the same thing I tell my kids:

    Wait until you're 18, and can make your own decisions, responsibly.

    If you're allowed to make your "own" decisions BEFORE that age? Or are emancipated?

    BAD PARENTS. BAD, BAD, BAD. Because you have to live with the responsibilites of adulthood, and the consequences of such, while you may NOT be equipped. You may just fuck up someone ELSE'S life besides your own. Ask ME how I know. This is skydiving, where other people are in the air, too, and you have to watch out for them, and sometimes, may have to make VERY HARD downwind landings (hurting yourself in the process) to avoid someone who's not looking out, just to save you both.

    Are you mature enough to worry about the lives of others, and put them before your personal safety? I doubt it.

    Yeah, it's like that. That's life. Legs heal, a bruised ass hurts for a week or two. But a canopy collision at 500 ft? Are you ready for that?

    Sorry to call you out, bro, but I'm a grown man, and I may just save your life. Or at the VERY least, prevent you from fucking it up, or not having one at all. And possibly taking someone ELSE'S in the process.

    That being said:


    But you, my friend, need to wait a while, in my opinion.

    To be honest with you, I respect your opinion. I also respect that you called me out. I don't mind. It happens a lot. And as for being responsible enough to put someone elses safety before mine, I am not yet. That's why in 2 months, when my son(hopefully a son) is born(yeah, I know, bad mistake at 15. but I didn't do it on purpose), I won't be taking care of him. At least not by myself. In fact, probably very little, for a while.

  4. Me and 6 other people yes. We completely overhauled Fedora Core 9. All I had to do was modify the C-shell. Which you may or may not have ever heard of the C shell. It's just a shell like Bourne and Bourne-Again(BASH). Which btw, is not exactly easy. Also, when you have identified, exploited, and then solved problems in high-level web applications, you can talk shit.

  5. Certified information Security Specialist, is different from the CISSP certification. To be come a Certified Information Security Specialist, all you have to do is obtain an information security related certification. If I had the CISSP certification I would have said so, in this manner, "I have the CISSP certification from [vendor]"(comptia I think.) And as for script kiddie, lemme know when you've written your own OS, malware, AV. k, smartass?

  6. lol. Well, sure I guess I might have to find Korbin. And, my Mom, couldn't care less. And my dad, well, he was in the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment. He's only done static line. But he would like to go skydiving as well.

  7. Ummm, introduction I guess. Well, I'm 15. Pretty cool I guess. Certified Information Security Specialist. I Specialize in web-application security. Some call me a hacker. But I'm not, at least not a malicious one. I prefer pay rather than public recognition for my work. Anyways, moving on. I've never been skydiving. As a matter of fact, I've been told by law your not allowed to go skydiving before you're 16(not sure if its actually true). But I enjoy aviation. I just seek thrills, thats why I'm here.